Читать книгу NYC Angels: Making the Surgeon Smile - Lynne Marshall - Страница 3


Dear Reader

Have you ever known a people-pleaser—someone who will do anything to keep others content? Perhaps you are one. If so, you know what a huge undertaking making everyone happy can be. Impossible, even. Yet Polly Seymour, RN, plods ahead with her challenging life, insisting upon sprinkling seeds of joy everywhere she goes, whether a person wants those seeds of joy tossed their way or not.

On the other hand, we might all also know the proverbial curmudgeon. A person who has been kicked in the teeth by life once too often—someone who has forgotten what it’s like to be a part of the huddled masses, yearning for something better. Most observers would give up on him and his sour moods. But someone astute at reading people, like Polly, recognises a man with a big heart even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Because any man whose day isn’t complete until he’s said goodnight to each of his hospitalised paediatric patients can’t be all bad, right? Meet Dr John Griffin.

Throw these two most unlikely people together on a busy orthopaedic hospital ward, let them duke it out—her killing him softly with her charm, him coming off gruffer than he intends—and watch the sexual sparks fly. It just goes to show you never know which small gesture or innocent invitation might reach inside another person’s heart and start the healing.

Now imagine running into someone your first day on a new job—someone who will change your life—but all you feel is annoyed. Imagine being the newest employee on the ward and still having the nerve to approach the head of the department with a grand idea. Imagine two damaged people, struggling to make it through each day, using completely different coping mechanisms. Meet Polly and John, two people I hope you’ll root for as they stumble and fumble their way towards that often elusive prize—their very own happy-ever-after.

Welcome to NYC Angels—the hospital that won’t turn anyone away.

Happy reading!


Lynne Marshall loves to hear from readers. Visit www.lynnemarshall.com or ‘friend’ her on Facebook.

NYC Angels: Making the Surgeon Smile

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