Читать книгу On Sins and Virtues - Любомир Гузар - Страница 10




Anastasia Veres, 6 years old, Halych (Ivano-Frankivsk region)

What does it mean to be brave? To have the courage to do good. Sometimes we lack courage to confess who we are. We do not dare cross our heart not to be laughed at, we do not dare speak of God not to be mocked. Bravery is the courage to be oneself.

You know, people may be thoughtless, they can fly off the handle and push into danger. This is not bravery, it is stupidity. Genuine bravery is when I feel I have to behave in a particular way, considering all objective circumstances – even though I don’t know what will come out of it. For example, I admit that I am a Christian and I am determined to do good even if people laugh at me.

This is a kind of positive and practical bravery – and not thoughtlessness or a desire to show off my readiness to face a risk for a vain glory.

In our liturgical prayers we often ask God to give us enough daring to appeal to Him. So to say, a courage of trust. Like a child appealing to his father.


Yaroslav Murafa, 10 years old, Halych (Ivano-Frankivsk region)


Sofia Lozova, 12 years old, Kyiv


Diana Kovtun, 11 years old, Halych (Ivano-Frankivsk region)

Because when we speak to strangers we often feel embarrassed to ask for something. Whereas a child addresses its father simply and clearly: dad, I am hungry, dad, I need something… Our Church encourages us to appeal to God in that same way: God, listen to me, God, help me. In other words, not to feign anything before God, but just appeal to him : God, I am in pain, help me, listen to me.

We often lack such blessed innocence and trust – the holy simplicity. Some say: how can I speak to God so simply?

Speak to Him simply! That is the courage of trust in God, and the realization that God is my best friend.

On Sins and Virtues

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