Читать книгу Ветка сакуры. Стихи, проза, танка и хокку - Людмила Малецкая - Страница 49

In the world, in which there is you…


In the world, in which there is you,

The people pass

By one another.

In the world, in which there is you,

The rain goes by the all days

And variegated umbrellas

Cover the horizon.

In the world, in which there is you,

Something always happens:

You roam somewhere near

Looking for the happiness.

In the world, in which there is me,

The Sun shines.

In the world, in which there is me,

The white orchids are flowering.

In the world, in which there is me,

The Moon shines

And the stars’ points flicker.

In the world, in which there is me,

You roam somewhere near

Looking for the life.

In the world, in which there are we,

Any wishes are fulfill.

In the world, in which there are we,

The dream and it’s refraction

Are almost not separate.

In the world, in which there are we,

Two hearts are beating together…

In our world…


Ветка сакуры. Стихи, проза, танка и хокку

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