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Chapter 12

Danilov and Strachan pushed their way through the crowd of reporters, photographers and assorted sightseers to get back into the station.

Sergeant Wolfe was standing guard at the entrance.

‘What’s happening, Sergeant?’

‘They’re just about to take the prisoner to the hospital, Inspector. The doctor insisted. Had a proper fight with Cowan about it too. Chief Inspector Boyle had to order him to do obey the doctor. He wasn’t keen, said the prisoner was malingering.’

At last, thought Danilov, at least Kao will be looked after now. He looked towards the press of reporters outside the doors. ‘The mob is baying for blood, Sergeant.’

‘The scum of the earth, they are. Would sell their own mothers for a story.’

The clamour outside the station grew louder.

‘They are using the side door?’

The Sergeant nodded. ‘I thought it better, Inspector. Easier for the prisoner to get to the ambulance.’

‘Thank you, Sergeant, at least one man is thinking today.’

Like a flock of birds moving as one body, the mob of reporters suddenly surged towards the right, shouting noisily as they did.

‘It looks like they are bringing him out now, Inspector. The vultures are descending on their prey,’ said the Sergeant.’

City Of Shadows

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