Читать книгу Someone to Watch Over Me: A gripping psychological thriller - Madeleine Reiss - Страница 5



He held her hand tightly. It was dark and it was hard to see the path. She had told him to watch where he put his feet and not to get too near the black channel of water. He knew for a fact there were bad things hidden right down deep at the bottom of it. There were supermarket trolleys and stolen cars and rotting cows, which had toppled out of their fields into the canal and not been able to get out. There were snakes that swam all twisty through the coldness. He thought that there were people in there too. He thought of bodies floating upright, anchored to the slimy bottom by curling fronds of weed. He had once seen an eyeball coming out of a drowned person’s head on a TV programme. He had watched through the crack in the door and afterwards he had wished he hadn’t. Once you saw things they stayed with you forever. Even though they were walking so fast it made him breathless and even though her nails were digging into his hand, he was glad to get out of the house. He just wished he knew where they were going.

‘Will we be able to stop soon?’ he asked.

‘Just a bit further. We can’t stop yet.’

Her face gleamed all white and her mouth was stretched out thin. He knew they would never be able to go fast enough or far enough, however hard they tried. He wished they could change themselves into giant birds and fly as far as Africa. Big, yellow birds that could see in the dark and camouflage themselves against the sand in the daytime. In his brain he sang the song that made him feel better and tried with all his might to escape into clear open spaces and a sea without edges.

Someone to Watch Over Me: A gripping psychological thriller

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