Читать книгу The Surgeon's Marriage Demand - Maggie Kingsley - Страница 2

Seth Hardcastle was breathtaking sex on legs. And trouble and heartache


And she’d had more than enough trouble and heartache to last her a lifetime.

But not enough breathtaking sex, her body whispered. No, she wasn’t even going to speculate about what sex with Seth would be like, and she quickly eased her fingers free from his, praying her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.

“I really must go,” she said, backing up a step.

“I must, too,” he replied, not moving at all.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” she mumbled. He nodded and she walked briskly down the corridor.

I am not going to look back, she told herself. Looking back is what teenagers do when they’re desperate to know whether the boy they’re interested in might be interested in them, so I’m not going to look back.

But she did.

The Surgeon's Marriage Demand

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