Читать книгу Dangerous Liaisons - Maggie Price - Страница 2

“Give me a call if you decide you want to try out my services.”


He hesitated for a brief instant, then cupped her hand in his while he flashed a careless grin. “Your services?”

Her throat tightened. Even as her brain told her that retreat would be wise, she allowed her hand to remain in his. Only one other time in her life had a man had such an immediate effect on her. Then she’d gone with emotion, listened to her heart instead of her head, and she’d wound up betrayed and hurt. Desperately hurt.

“My company’s services, of course,” she amended, keeping her voice light. “You might decide you want to meet your perfect match after all.”

He kept his eyes locked with hers while his thumb stroked the inside of her wrist. Her pulse stuttered; then her stomach dropped to her toes.

“I won’t.”

She remained unmoving, her gaze tracking his movements as he walked toward the door while she waited for her pulse to settle. It didn’t.

Dangerous Liaisons

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