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The authors and publishers gratefully acknowledge the help generously given in the form of maps and data by the following individuals and institutions: The WHYMAP team, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), for use of the groundwater resources map on pages 28–29; Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel for the map of environmental stress due to flow alteration on pages 76–77; Aaron Wolf and Lucia DeStefano of the Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation, Oregon State University for data used on pages 94–97. We would also like to thank the following photographers and organizations who have supplied images: 18 Silvrshootr / iStock; 22 NASA; 23 CGIAR; 30 Brendan Mulligan / IWLP; 31 NortyNort /CC License; 32 Davor Lavincic / iStock; Steve Garvie / CC License; Dmitry A Mottl / CC License; 34 cdrin / Shutterstock; 37 Monteratsch Glacier www.swisseduc.ch; 38 NOAA Climate Prediction; 44 ranplett/iStock; 50 www.groundwork.org; 53 CONAGUA - Organismo de Cuenca Aguas del Valle de México; 54 UNICEF Zambia; 57 WHO; World Bank / Eric Miller; 58 Bjoern Wylezich/Shutterstock; 63 USDA; 64 Clement Tardif / Greenpeace; Don Hinrichsen; 66 Esperanza; 70 Great Lakes: The Soo Locks between Lake Superior and the St Marys River / US Army Corps of Engineers employee; Amazon cruise: www.travelwizard; 71 Canal boat: Graham Heywood / iStockphoto; Artificial beach, Paris: www.aquamedia; Kerala: Robert Churchill / iStockphoto; Golf course: Sheldon Kralstein; 74 wonderisland/Shutterstock; 76 GHG emissions: International Rivers; Colorado: Mark Byzewski / CC License; Patagonia: Gary Hughes / International Rivers; Australia: Hullwarren / CC License; 79 International Rivers; 82 San Joaquin: Alison M. Jones / www.nowater-nolife.org; Gulf of Mexico: NOAA; 83 Baltic Sea: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov; India: Ryan ruffin_ready / CC License; 84 Agencia Brasil; 85 Dead fish: Alan Septoff / Tibor Kocsis media.earthworksaction.org; Chinese protestors: www.pacificenvironment.org; 87 Flamingos: Charles Schug / iStockphoto; Otters: John Stezler / iStockphoto; Frog: Samuli Siltanen / iStockphoto; Crocodile: Keiichi Hiki / iStockphoto; Trout: Laurin Johnson / iStockphoto; Crayfish: Stephen Moore / Dept of Conservation, New Zealand; 88 Desalination plant: James Grellier / CC License; 91 Seawater greenhouse: courtesy Charlie Paton, Seawater Greenhouse Ltd ; Fluoride filter: India Natural Resources Economics and Management (INREM) Foundation; 93 Right2Water; www.worldforum.org; 94 World Bank flickr library; 96 US Geological Survey; 97 Prill Mediendesign & Fotografie/iStockphoto; 98 Armenia: Global Environment Facility Small Grant’s Facility; Cameroon: Global Water Partnership; 99 Marco Betti / Water Aid; 100 Peter Jeffreys/Shutterstock We have made every effort to obtain permission for the use of copyright material. If there are any omissions, we apologize and shall be pleased to make appropriate acknowledgement in any future edition.


The Atlas of Water

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