Читать книгу Fundamentals of Conservation Biology - Malcolm L. Hunter Jr. - Страница 26
ОглавлениеA comprehensive world history of conservation would be voluminous but some succinct overviews are available (Hughes 2009; Simmons 2008). If you want more depth there are whole encyclopedias (Krech et al. 2004), even one covering just the United States (Brosnan 2011). Many books cover certain times, phenomena, and places; for example, the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries (Richards 2003), the twentieth century (McNeill 2000), European colonization (Grove 1995), collapse of civilizations (Diamond 2005), Canada (MacDowell 2012), Latin America (Miller 2007), the Mediterranean (Hughes 2005), and the United States (Merchant 2007). Also see the journal Environmental History. Articles by Soulé (1985), Callicott (1990), and Jacobson (1990) form a foundation for the latter parts of the chapter and merit further reading. For relevant websites, check out the Society for Conservation Biology’s website at conbio.org and some of the major international conservation groups at www.iucn.org, wwf.org, www.nature.org, www.conservation.org, and www.worldwildlife.org.