Читать книгу The Multilingual Adolescent Experience - Malgorzata Machowska-Kosciak - Страница 6




From a Bilingual to a Multilingual Country

Language Socialization Perspective

Role of Narratives and Discourses in Examining Identity

From Socialization to Agency

Researcher’s Background

Organization of the Book

1 Children, Migration and Socialization

Poles in Ireland: Long-Term or Temporary Migration?

Integration with Wider Society

Context of Adolescence

Self-Concept Formation

Cultural Continuities and Discontinuities between Home and School

Language Socialization Perspective on Adolescence

Key Issues in Socialization and Second Language Socialization

Agency, Parents and Socialization

Types of Agency

Language Socialization and Education

Immigrant Children and Intercultural Competence

2 Participants: Children, Their Families and Socialization Contexts



Ethnographic Interviewing

Criteria Used in the Study of Interviews, Narratives and Small Stories

Kasia’s Family Life and Schooling

Marcin’s Family Life and Schooling

Wiktoria and Janek and Polish Weekend School

Wiktoria’s Family Life and Schooling

Janek’s Family Life and Schooling

Limitations of the Methodology Used

Child-Centered Approaches

Layers of Analysis and Coding

On Stances and Positioning Taken by Participants

Notes on Translation

3 Power of Belonging

Identity and Membership

Constructing ‘Belonging’

Being an ‘Insider’

‘My siblings are more Irish than I am’

Constructing ‘Not Belonging’ or Out of ‘Otherness’

Wiktoria: ‘Pack of lies’

‘Not belonging’

Janek: ‘I’m a stranger’

‘They do not understand jokes’

Technologically ‘different’

Rejection of Participation

Accent and Other Language Practices as Belonging or Not Belonging

Kasia: Accent as negotiation of ‘self’

‘American accent’: Kasia’s Perspective

Accent and Kasia’s Mother’s Perspective

Marcin: Having the same accent?

Wiktoria: ‘They wouldn’t laugh at somebody’s accent’

Janek: Rejecting Native Accent

‘Sheet’ [SHIT]: ‘They want to hear this word’

To be ‘more equal than the others’: Symbolic Power of Language

Language, Identity and Emotions

Janek: ‘He just does not write enough for it’

Between Home and School: Two Persons in One?

4 Agency and Socio-Historical Mediation

Socio-Historical Context and Discourses

Language Practices when Addressing Others

‘I talk with more grown-up voice’

Marcin: Greeting Others or Acknowledging Social Hierarchy?

Wiktoria: Being Polite or Lying?

In Between Two Cultures


Resisting Culture

Agency or Adherence to a Moral Code: The Case of Wiktoria?


Wiktoria, Liberal Values, Religion and ‘Polishness’

5 Language Ideologies and Parents

Language Ideologies among Parents

‘Polishness’ and Parents

High Status of English

Language of ‘success’

Status of English: An Open Door?

Final Remarks

6 Conclusion and Implications

Negotiation of Internal and External Family Socialization Processes

A Complex Interplay of Engagements, Alignments, Socio-Historical Contexts and Agency

Janek and Wiktoria

Kasia and Marcin

Implications for Supporting Immigrant Adolescents

Notes on Participants



The Multilingual Adolescent Experience

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