Читать книгу Invisible Earthquake - Malika Ndlovu - Страница 11
Оглавление13th January, 00h40
No milk flowed today. The aches, the leaking and bleeding subside. I feel them fade like another sorrowful tide of goodbyes. Again I am letting go in ways I have no control over.
I chanted and sang with her on stage, played music with shakers and words. I soaked with her in bubble baths, smiled alone in the dark with my palms resting on either side of my naked belly, like two ever-eager ears straining for a hint to kick-start our midnight conversations. I felt her take over my body, creating that familiar feeling of unbalance as my back arched to compensate for a larger belly, forcing me into larger waistlines and super-comfy shoes, clicking my bones in and out of place, pinching a nerve here and there, making me jump or sit upright in pain or fright.