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Gerard Fontenot stood in the shadows, in an alley off St. Peter Street, waiting. Waiting was something he understood. He didn’t like it, but he could do it. He had waited for four years to be here tonight. And while he waited, he’d planned.

A small smile played around his thin lips. Detective Maxwell had underestimated him. They all had. They couldn’t pin his wife’s murder on him, although Maxwell had tried. For some reason, he had taken Fontenot’s case as a personal vendetta. He’d dogged Fontenot’s footsteps until he’d nearly driven him crazy.

Shooting Maxwell four years ago had been a foolish mistake, caused by Maxwell getting too close. Maxwell had almost blundered onto the truth about Fontenot’s wife’s death.

No more mistakes. He’d learned patience and control in prison. He’d perfected his plans and honed his hatred to razor sharpness. He’d always known he was smarter. Now he was invincible. No one could touch him now.

He was playing with Maxwell, toying with him like a cat with a mouse, and the results were already more than he could have hoped. It was a brilliant maneuver to involve Maxwell’s ex-wife. Brilliant. Maxwell was spooked. Fontenot could tell. The detective knew what he was up to, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

Fontenot’s smile widened as Maxwell’s Laser pulled up to the curb. The detective unfolded his lanky frame from the car, and glanced around. Fontenot stood absolutely still, relishing the tingling excitement as Maxwell’s gaze flickered past the shadowed alley in which he stood.

His heartbeat accelerated and a bead of sweat limned his upper lip as Maxwell disappeared into the stairwell leading to his upstairs apartment. Although Fontenot could no longer see him, his mind counted out each step, each action, as Maxwell moved inevitably toward his destiny.

Fontenot didn’t move a muscle, didn’t breathe. His muscles tensed, and his groin tightened in anticipation as sweetly agonizing as slow, drawn-out foreplay. He waited.

The Lawman Who Loved Her

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