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Mallory Kane credits her love of books to her mother, a librarian, who taught her that books are a precious resource and should be treated with loving respect. Her father and grandfather were steeped in the southern tradition of oral history, and could hold an audience spellbound for hours with their storytelling skills. Mallory aspires to be as good a storyteller as her father.

She loves romantic suspense with dangerous heroes and dauntless heroines, and often uses her medical background to add an extra dose of intrigue to her books. Another fascination that she enjoys exploring in her reading and writing is the infinite capacity of the brain to adapt and develop higher skills.

Mallory lives in Mississippi with her computer-genius husband, their two fascinating cats, and, at current count, seven computers.

She loves to hear from readers. You can write to her at mallory@mallorykane.com.


Cole Robinson – This undercover Homeland Security Agent will sacrifice his life if necessary to stop a ruthless domestic terrorist. But when his mission endangers a brave and vulnerable young woman and her town, Cole discovers he has something to live for.

Amelia Hopkins – She’s dedicated her life to her father and to Hopkins Boat Works. But when she’s abducted by a mysterious stranger who’s in league with terrorists, Amelia’s life – and heart – are turned upside down.

Reginald Hopkins – Amelia’s father is a brilliant designer, but since his heart attack he hasn’t created a new yacht design. With Reginald unable to carry out Chien Fou’s plan, will his life and the lives of everyone in Raven’s Cliff be forfeit?

The Fortune Teller – Who is this mysterious woman who knows everything about Cole and Amelia, and whose cryptic words prophesy love – or doom?

Chien Fou – The ruthless domestic terrorist who has named himself “Mad Dog” plans to destroy America’s economy, and anyone who impedes him risks his very life.

Ross Fancher – This ambitious young man is interested in Amelia, but he’s in Chien Fou’s way.

Mayor Wells – His political ambitions have put him in the pockets of criminals and have endangered the town. Now it appears he’s in league with the terrorists. Is he ready to sacrifice the town and even his daughter to gain his own ends?

Camille Wells – The mayor’s daughter is in a coma, watched over not only by her parents, but by a shadowy figure who only shows up in the dark of night.

Solving the Mysterious Stranger

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