Читать книгу Basic SPSS Tutorial - Manfred te Grotenhuis - Страница 7


Detailed Contents



About the Authors

Chapter 1. Statistics Program SPSS1.1 What Is SPSS?1.2 The Purpose of SPSS1.3 Structure of the Book1.4 Fictitious Data Set1.5 Using the Windows in SPSS1.5.1 The Bars and Drop-Down Menus1.5.2 Title Bar1.5.3 Main Menu Bar1.5.4 Toolbar1.5.5 Status Bar1.6 Using SPSS Windows1.6.1 Data Window1.6.2 Output Window1.7 SPSS File Types

Chapter 2. SPSS Files2.1 Introduction2.2 Open SPSS Files2.3 Create and Modify Data Files2.3.1 Define and Create Variables2.3.2 Add Variable Labels2.3.3 Add Value Labels2.3.4 Define Missing Values2.3.5 Enter Data2.4 Load Excel Files2.5 Save SPSS Files2.6 Assignments

Chapter 3. Data Modifications3.1 Introduction3.2 Recode Variables3.2.1 Recode Into Same Variables3.2.2 Recode Into Different Variables3.3 Create New Variables3.4 Select Cases3.5 Split Files3.6 Assignments

Chapter 4. Descriptive Statistics4.1 Introduction4.2 Frequency Tables4.3 Pie Charts4.4 Boxplots4.5 Graphs With Chart Builder4.6 Contingency Tables4.7 Export to Word Processing Programs4.8 Assignments

Chapter 5. Inferential Statistics5.1 Introduction5.2 Associations in Contingency Tables5.3 Binomial Test for a Proportion5.4 One Sample t-Test5.5 t-Test for Comparing Two Groups5.5.1 Independent Groups5.5.2 Dependent (Paired) Groups5.6 Analysis of Variance5.7 Correlation5.8 Regression Analysis5.8.1 Simple Regression Analysis5.8.2 Multivariate Regression Analysis5.9 References5.10 Assignments


10  About IBM SPSS

11  Index











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Basic SPSS Tutorial

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