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I could offer a thousand thanks to the following people

and it would not be enough, but I’ll try anyway.

Thank you to Robert Lettrick,

“inventor” of the banana latte and diligent reader of first drafts.

Thank you to Kristi Purnhagen,

who offered a critical eye and sound suggestions.

Thank you to all the strong and supportive women in my life, including Barbara Bresock, Mary Ruth Bresock,

Abby Elliot, Barbara Lohrstorfer, Nancy McDaniel,

Sayrah Namaste, Maxine Purnhagen, Christine Sagan,

Jeanne Schaal, Janet Sekerak and Lillian Tupes.

Thank you to Diane Bishop,

my high school English teacher.

Thank you to the entire staff

at the Middle Tyger Library in Duncan, South Carolina.

Thank you to Henry and Quinn,

who inspired me to get serious about all this book stuff.

And finally, thank you to Joe,

who always saw me as a writer.


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