Читать книгу NON-HUMAN CONTACT - Marcel Polte - Страница 11



Once upon a time there was a UFO. Nobody liked it, nobody wanted it … one mocked it, one chased it away, one even denied its existence. But it kept coming back. People became curious and some of them began to ask questions. The kings didn’t like that at all and forbid them to talk about the mysterious UFO. With all sorts of tricks they tried to distract their subjects from it. They invented new, even more fantastic stories and threw the worst UFO rebels into a dark dungeon, because something had to be prevented at all costs. This one thing that frightened them more than enemy armies and violent storms that devastated the land: It must never happen that the people questioned their royal power … because there was possibly something out there that even the kings could not explain and was superior to them.

In this or a similar way, childlike language could be used to describe how governments and the media have dealt with the UFO phenomenon over the last seventy years … until December 2017. When UFOs were mentioned in the media before that date, it was usually not a serious coverage. The reports often resembled a satirical pamphlet. The structure of those reports often followed a typical pattern. To create a certain entertainment value, a mysterious UFO sighting was first described. With narcissistic satisfaction, a (correct or false) scientific explanation was then presented, ranging from illuminated drones, comets, flares, satellites, LED balloons to the planets Jupiter and Venus. And if there was no conventional explanation available, the end of the story could still be kept open with a mocking undertone (»maybe it was the famous little green men …«). In any case, there was no doubt for the reader or viewer that any thought of an extraterrestrial background of such sightings is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. UFOs don’t exist. That’s it. And there can’t be any UFOs because media has (almost) never reported a »real« UFO sighting. So why should this change all of a sudden …

It is indeed true that most sightings of mysterious lights in the sky can be easily explained. After all, human perception and the human mind can very easily be deceived. Thus, the flickering light of the planet Jupiter behind a moving cloud cover at night is quickly perceived as an object that seems to be moving in the sky while radiating strongly. Such dubious »sightings« are not worth reporting at all. The fact that this happened nevertheless reinforced the view among the population that »real« UFOs do not exist. If we assume, as will be shown below, that not only UFOs but non-human intelligent beings indeed exist, this makes such reporting – to put it mildly – extremely questionable. Finally, according to its mandate, the press should be interested in providing the public with facts. This is all the more true when the facts are as exceptional as they are significant for mankind.


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