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Identifying Types of Governments


When studying political science, you come across a variety of governments. From democracies to totalitarian regimes, governments do vary. What type of government or regime is out there in the world today? Table 4-1 gives examples of the various forms of government.

TABLE 4-1 Forms of Government

Forms of Government Power Structure-Holder of Political Power Examples
Monarchy One, a king or prince Saudi Arabia, Medieval France
Aristocracy A small ruling elite or class, usually based on hereditary qualifications Ancient Sparta
Oligarchy A small group based on characteristics such as wealth or religion Iran, ancient Venice
Totalitarian One all-powerful supreme leader Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany
Authoritarian One leader with a small elite Egypt, fascist Italy
Democracy Many; the people United States, Great Britain, the Roman Republic
Anarchy Nobody; no leader or government in charge; can occur during or right after a civil war Libya, Somalia
Political Science For Dummies

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