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The production of this book would not have been possible without the help and advice of a great many colleagues, friends and skilled professionals. There are too many to name them all, but we would like to thank some individually for their particular help. Elizabeth Edwards, Alison Kyst, Olwen Terris and Chris Wright all agreed to be interviewed at length and to be endlessly pestered with trivial questions thereafter. Staff at the National Film and Television Archive in London, the Indian National Film and Television Archive, the Cambridge Centre of South Asian Studies, the Imperial War Museum Film and Video Department, and Christie’s and Phillips auction houses provided information in the course of brief interviews as well as their professional assistance. Beth Crockett, Vanessa Harwood, Simon Ross at SAGE who worked on the first edition; Jai Seaman and Katherine Haw at SAGE, Catja Pafort for copyediting, all helped turn a jumble of text, images and questions into a book.

In Oxford, staff and colleagues at ISCA and at the Pitt Rivers Museum were endlessly patient when dealing with our many requests, while Mike Morris and Mark Dickerson tracked down many publications for us. Jonathan Miller, Malcolm Osman and Conrad Weiskrantz were all invaluable in helping to produce the scans and frame-grabs for the first edition that make up many of the illustrations used.

We also owe a debt of thanks to all the individuals and organizations named in the list of image credits, but particularly to Patsy Asch, Linda Connor, Paul Henley and David MacDougall who were more than generous in providing images and background information. More generally, those who provided references, feedback and intellectual stimulus include Elizabeth Edwards, Howard Morphy, Laura Peers and Terry Wright, as well as the many students who have contributed to visual anthropology courses we have taught over the years.

A final thank you goes to our long-suffering partners.

Visual Methods in Social Research

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