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The search for patterns


The mathematician’s quest for primes is captured perfectly by one of the tasks we have all faced at school. Given a list of numbers, find the next number. For example, here are three challenges:

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 22, 30, …

Numerous questions spring to the mathematical mind when faced with such lists. What is the rule behind the creation of each list? Can you predict the next number on the list? Can you find a formula that will produce the 100th number on the list without having to calculate the first 99 numbers?

The first sequence of numbers above consists of what are called the triangular numbers. The tenth number on the list is the number of beans required to build a triangle with ten rows, starting with one bean in the first row and ending with ten beans in the last row. So the Nth triangular number is got by simply adding the first N numbers: 1 + 2 + 3 + … + N. If you want to find the 100th triangular number, there is a long laborious method in which you attack the problem head on and add up the first 100 numbers.

Indeed, Gauss’s schoolteacher liked to set this problem for his class, knowing that it always took his students so long that he could take forty winks. As each student finished the task they were expected to come and place their slate tablets with their answer written on it in a pile in front of the teacher. While the other students began labouring away, within seconds the ten-year-old Gauss had laid his tablet on the table. Furious, the teacher thought that the young Gauss was being cheeky. But when he looked at Gauss’s slate, there was the answer – 5,050 – with no steps in the calculation. The teacher thought that Gauss must have cheated somehow, but the pupil explained that all you needed to do was put N = 100 into the formula and you will get the 100th number in the list without having to calculate any other numbers on the list on the way.

Rather than tackling the problem head on, Gauss had thought laterally. He argued that the best way to discover how many beans there were in a triangle with 100 rows was to take a second similar triangle of beans which could be placed upside down on top of the first triangle. Now Gauss had a rectangle with 101 rows each containing 100 beans. Calculating the total number of beans in this rectangle built from the two triangles was easy: there are in total 101 × 100 = 10,100 beans. So one triangle must contain half this number, namely . There is nothing special here about 100. Replace it by N and you get the formula .

The picture overleaf illustrates the argument for the triangle with 10 rows instead of 100.

Instead of directly attacking his teacher’s problem, Gauss had found a different angle from which to view the calculation. Lateral thinking, turning the problem upside down or inside out to see it from a new perspective, is an immensely important theme in mathematical discovery and is one reason why people who can think like the young Gauss make good mathematicians.

The second challenge sequence, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …, consists of the so-called Fibonacci numbers. The rule behind this sequence is that each new number is calculated by adding the two previous ones, for example, 13 = 5 + 8. Fibonacci, a mathematician in the thirteenth-century court in Pisa, had struck upon the sequence in relation to the mating habits of rabbits. He had tried to bring European mathematics out of the Dark Ages by proselytising the discoveries of Arabic mathematicians. He failed. Instead, it was the rabbits that immortalised him in the mathematical world. His model of the propagation of rabbits predicted that each new season would see the number of pairs of rabbits grow in a certain pattern. This pattern was based on two rules: each mature pair of rabbits will produce a new pair of rabbits each season, and each new pair will take one season to reach sexual maturity.

An illustration of Gauss’s proof of his formula for the triangular numbers.

But it is not only in the rabbit world that these numbers prevail. This sequence of numbers crops up in all manner of natural ways. The number of petals on a flower invariably is a Fibonacci number, as is the number of spirals in a fir cone. The growth of a seashell over time reflects the progression of the Fibonacci numbers.

Is there a fast formula like Gauss’s formula for the triangular numbers that will produce the 100th Fibonacci number? Again, at first sight it looks as though we might have to calculate all the previous 99 numbers since the way to get the 100th number is to add together the two previous ones. Is it possible that there is a formula that could give us this 100th number just by plugging the number 100 into the formula? This turns out be much trickier, despite the simplicity of the rule for generating these numbers.

The formula for generating the Fibonacci numbers is based upon a special number called the golden ratio, a number which begins 1.618 03… Like the number π, the golden ratio is a number whose decimal expansion continues without end, demonstrating no patterns. Yet it encapsulates what many people down the centuries have regarded as perfect proportions. If you examine the canvases in the Louvre or the Tate Gallery, you’ll find that very often the artist will have chosen a rectangle whose sides are in a ratio of 1 to 1.618 03 … Experiment reveals that a person’s height when compared to the distance from their feet to their belly button favours the same ratio. The golden ratio is a number which appears in Nature in an uncanny fashion. Despite its chaotic decimal expansion, this number also holds the key to generating the Fibonacci numbers. The Nth Fibonacci number can be expressed by a formula built from the Nth power of the golden ratio.

I will leave the third sequence of numbers, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 22, 30, …, as a teasing challenge which I will return to later. Its properties helped cement the fame of one of the most intriguing mathematicians of the twentieth century, Srinivasa Ramanujan, who had an extraordinary ability to discover new patterns and formulas in areas of mathematics where others had tried and failed.

It is not just Fibonacci numbers that one finds in Nature. The animal kingdom also knows about prime numbers. There are two species of cicada called Magicicada septendecim and Magicicada tredecim which often live in the same environment. They have a life cycle of exactly 17 and 13 years, respectively. For all but their last year they remain in the ground feeding on the sap of tree roots. Then, in their last year, they metamorphose from nymphs into fully formed adults and emerge en masse from the ground. It is an extraordinary event as, every 17 years, Magicicada septendecim takes over the forest in a single night. They sing loudly, mate, eat, lay eggs, then die six weeks later. The forest goes quiet for another 17 years. But why has each species chosen a prime number of years as the length of their life cycle?

There are several possible explanations. Since both species have evolved prime number life cycles, they will be synchronised to emerge in the same year very rarely. In fact they will have to share the forest only every 221 = 17 × 13 years. Imagine if they had chosen cycles which weren’t prime, for example 18 and 12. Over the same period they would have been in synch 6 times, namely in years 36, 72, 108, 144, 180 and 216. These are the years which share the prime building blocks of both 18 and 12. The prime numbers 13 and 17, on the other hand, allow the two species of cicada to avoid too much competition.

Another explanation is that a fungus developed which emerged simultaneously with the cicadas. The fungus was deadly for the cicadas, so they evolved a life cycle which would avoid the fungus. By changing to a prime number cycle of 17 or 13 years, the cicadas ensured that they emerged in the same years as the fungus less frequently than if they had a non-prime life cycle. For the cicadas, the primes weren’t just some abstract curiosity but the key to their survival.

Evolution might be uncovering primes for the cicadas, but mathematicians wanted a more systematic way to find these numbers. Of all the number challenges it was the list of primes above all others for which mathematicians sought some secret formula. One has to be careful, though, about expecting patterns and order to be everywhere in the mathematical world. Many people throughout history have got lost in the vain attempt to find structure hidden in the decimal expansion of π, one of the most important numbers in mathematics. But its importance has fuelled desperate attempts to discover messages buried in its chaotic decimal expansion. Whilst alien life had used the primes to catch Ellie Arroway’s attention at the beginning of Carl Sagan’s book Contact, the ultimate message of the book is buried deep in the expansion of π, in which a series of O’s and l’s suddenly appears, mapping out a pattern that is meant to reveal ‘there is an intelligence that antedates the universe’. Darren Aronofsky’s film ‘π’ also plays on this popular cultural image.

As a warning to those captivated by the idea of uncovering hidden messages in numbers such as π, mathematicians have been able to prove that most decimal numbers have hidden somewhere in their infinite expansions any sequence of numbers you might be looking for. So there is a good chance that π will contain the computer code for the book of Genesis if you search for long enough. One has to find the right viewpoint from which to look for patterns. π is an important number not because its decimal expansion contains hidden messages. Its importance becomes apparent when it is examined from a different perspective. The same was true of the primes. Armed with his table of primes and his knack for lateral thinking, Gauss was on the lookout for the right angle and viewpoint from which to stare at the primes so that some previously hidden order might emerge from behind the façade of chaos.

The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters

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