Читать книгу At Any Price - Margaret Allison - Страница 2

Memories Of That Night In Her Room Had Haunted His Dreams For Years


He could see Katie in her nightgown, feel the guilt for not being able to look away. But he still couldn’t. After all this time, he would’ve given his right arm to make love to her right there on her bed.

Now, after all these years, he was going to be sleeping in her house again. The thought of spending the night with her was enough to make him sweat. It had been a while since he’d been with a woman, and he was hungry. Had he been back in New York, there would have been a number of women he could have called, any of whom would have been more than happy to share his bed. But he knew he was kidding himself. Even if he was back in the city, he wouldn’t call those women. There was only one woman he wanted to make love to tonight.

And her name was Katie Devonworth.

At Any Price

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