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“Someone else has been here recently.”

Josiah pointed to the ground. “That’s Robbie’s shoe print and that’s someone with a twelve or thirteen size boot.”

“A man? Someone else searching for the kids?”

His gut clenched. “Maybe one of the counselors came this way.” Or maybe it was someone else who had nothing to do with the day camp. He wouldn’t voice that to Ella. She didn’t need to worry any more than she already was.

Josiah continued after Buddy. The dog stopped at the base of a spruce tree, sniffing the trunk, then taking off to the left.

Ella’s wide brown eyes riveted on him. “I saw the lengthening of the spaces between the footprints. Robbie was running, wasn’t he?”

Her gaze drew him in, so much pain reflected in it. He gritted his teeth, not wanting to answer her question, not wanting to add to her distress.

“You don’t have to say anything. I can see it on your face. Something or someone scared him. The person whose boot prints we found with his. I saw them under the tree, too. He’s being stalked.”

To Save Her Child

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