Читать книгу The Baby Rescue - Margaret Daley - Страница 3


“We’ll need all the help we can get on this case,” Colton said. “A child’s life is involved.”

He pulled out onto the highway, the road slick with the fresh snow. “From what I’ve read about you,” he continued, “you’ve worked on a lot of cases involving children. Why?”

“As a teenager I worked at a day-care center,” Lisette said. “At church every Sunday, I took care of the babies. I loved it.”

“Then why did you go into law enforcement? Why not a teacher or something?”

“Because I wanted to be like my…” Her voice faltered, and she went quiet.

Colton glanced at her. Her expression was closed, distant, her gaze slanting away from him. He’d hit upon a sensitive subject she didn’t want to discuss, which made him only more curious.

* * *

The Baby Rescue

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