Only a Cur,
The Cruel Milkman,
My Kind Deliverer and Miss Laura,
The Morris Boys Add to My Name,
My New Home and a Selfish Lady,
The Fox Terrier Billy,
Training a Puppy,
A Ruined Dog,
The Parrot Bella,
Billy's Training Continued,
Goldfish and Canaries,
Malta the Cat,
The Beginning of an Adventure,
How We Caught the Burglar,
Our Journey to Riverdale,
Dingley Farm,
Mr. Wood and his Horses,
Mrs. Wood's Poultry,
A Band of Mercy,
Stories About Animals,
Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Harry,
What Happened at the Tea Table,
Trapping Wild Animals,
The Rabbit and the Hen,
A Happy Horse,
The Box of Money,
A Neglected Stable,
The End of the Englishman,
A Talk About Sheep,
A Jealous Ox,
In the Cow Stable,
Our Return Home,
Performing Animals,
A Fire in Fairport,
Billy and the Italian,
Dandy the Tramp,
The End of My Story,