Читать книгу A Warrior's Honor - Margaret Moore, Paul Hammerness - Страница 3


“It is my curse, to speak without thinking.

“Please, forgive me.”

She gave him a smile that was both bitter and rueful. “If I had thought before speaking, too, and behaved as you yourself told me I should,” she said, “I would not be in this predicament.”

He regarded her quizzically. “Predicament?”

She nodded her head. “I fear Lord Cynvelin acted with undue haste.”

“What are you saying?” he whispered, scarcely daring to believe what her words seemed to be indicating.

“I am saying that there has been a mistake.”

She looked so sorrowful and distressed, he wanted to comfort her. “If you do not wish to stay...”

“I don’t.”

“You should ask Lord Cynvelin to escort you.”

“I have and he will not.... Would you help me?” she asked softly, a pleading look in her eyes.

A trusting look. A look that made him feel an honorable man again.

A Warrior's Honor

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