Читать книгу A Marriage Of Rogues - Margaret Moore, Paul Hammerness - Страница 4


Author Note

I’m often asked where I get my ideas. In the case of A Marriage of Rogues, another question might be, how long have you had this idea?

The answer is years. Literally. Years.

In fact it’s been so long I don’t remember when I first got the notion of a heroine confronting a hero and saying—basically—‘You won my dowry…now you get the bride.’

Why did it take so long for this idea to grow into a book? I did write one version—an unsuccessful novella. I put it away and wrote other stories. However, this idea just would not go away, and I was delighted to get the chance to try again—this time with a full book in mind.

Then ‘Life’ happened—in the form of not one but two major medical crises in the family. Two starts went out the window, and I thought the story was doomed never to see the light of day. However, thanks to very understanding editors, I was given time to weather the crises and begin again. In the end I think the story is all the better for the time and effort required to bring it to fruition.

I hope you enjoy Dev and Thea’s romance. They’ve waited a long time to have their happy ending!

A Marriage Of Rogues

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