Читать книгу The Rake and the Heiress - Marguerite Kaye - Страница 2


‘Well, well, what have we here?’ Nick’s voice was low, surprisingly cultured. His tone was teasing. ‘A kiss from the prettiest woman here will be my prize.’

Serena could smell him. Fresh sweat, laundered linen, something else deeply masculine she couldn’t put a name to. Reluctantly she forced herself to hold his gaze, to counter his teasing smile with a haughty look of her own.

‘Definitely the prettiest woman here. A kiss will be worth all the money in the winner’s purse and more.’ The words were whispered in her ear as he pushed back her bonnet, tilting her chin with a firm but gentle finger. He hesitated for a tantalising moment, then pulled her closer, confining the contact to his lips alone.

It was a teasing kiss, which lasted no more than a few seconds. His breath was warm and sweet. His lips were soft against her own.

‘Get off me, you ruffian!’ she said angrily pushing him away. What had she been thinking?

The man who had taken such a liberty eyed her quizzically. ‘Ruffian or not, you enjoyed that as much as I did, I’ll wager…’

Born and educated in Scotland, Marguerite Kaye originally qualified as a lawyer but chose not to practise—a decision which was a relief both to her and the Scottish legal establishment. While carving out a successful career in IT, she occupied herself with her twin passions of studying history and reading, picking up a first-class honours and a Masters degree along the way.

The course of her life changed dramatically when she found her soul mate. After an idyllic year out, spent travelling round the Mediterranean, Marguerite decided to take the plunge and pursue her life-long ambition to write for a living—a dream she had cherished ever since winning a national poetry competition at the age of nine.

Just like one of her fictional heroines, Marguerite’s fantasy has become reality. She has published history and travel articles, as well as short stories, but romances are her passion. Marguerite describes Georgette Heyer and Doris Day as her biggest early influences, and her partner as her inspiration.

When she is not writing, Marguerite enjoys cooking and hill walking. A confirmed Europhile, who spends much of the year in sunny climes, she returns regularly to the beautiful Highland scenery of her native Argyll, the place she still calls home.

Marguerite would love to hear from you. You can contact her on: Marguerite_Kaye@hotmail.co.uk

The Rake and the Heiress

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