Читать книгу Rake with a Frozen Heart - Marguerite Kaye - Страница 3


‘You have placed me in an impossible position. I cannot turn you in without risking being found guilty by association, but neither can I in all conscience simply abandon you.’

Rafe was not a man given to chivalry. He was not a man much given to impulsive action either, but Henrietta Markham’s endearing courage, her genuine horror at the accusations levelled against her, and the very real dangers which she faced, roused him now to both. Whether he wanted to be or not, he was involved in this farce.

‘I have no choice. I’ll help you,’ he said, nodding to himself. It was the only way.

‘Help me to do what?’

‘Whatever it takes to clear your name.’

‘I am perfectly capable of doing that myself,’ Henrietta said indignantly—and quite contrarily, because for a moment there, when he had offered, her heart had leapt in relief.

Rake with a Frozen Heart

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