Читать книгу Here Comes the Body - Maria DiRico - Страница 2



She found the anniversary couple posing for photos in the outdoor gazebo where they’d renewed their vows. The photographer finished taking pictures of the couple and Mia was herding everyone back to the Marina Ballroom when her headset buzzed. It was Cody.

“We have a situation, ma’am.”

The tone of his voice alarmed her. “What’s going on?”

“No one jumped out of the cake.”

“Did you look inside to make sure someone was there?”

“Affirmative. I had one of the waiters double-check before we wheeled the cake out. Something must be wrong with the lady inside it.”

“I’m on my way.”

She hurried out of the Marina Ballroom into the foyer and was about to start up the stairs when an attractive woman in a trench coat burst through the Belle View front doors. “Sorry I’m late,” she gasped, out of breath.

Mia stared at her. “Who are you?”

The woman opened her coat, revealing a sequined bikini. “Park Lexington. I’m working the bachelor party.”

“You’re the stripper? Then who’s in the—”

Mia’s stomach clenched. She raced up the stairs and burst into the Bay Ballroom.

Cody helped her climb to the top of the cake. She threw open the lid and peered inside. A woman lay crumpled on the bottom. Mia prayed she was unconscious, but the blood pooling under the knife sticking out of Angie’s chest told a different story . . .

Here Comes the Body

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