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Chapter 2. A gift of fate


Life goes on. Spring and summer flashed. A cold, dank autumn has arrived, and one must be a complete optimist so as not to get depressed. Autumn in my city is dullness, endless winds and longing.

There are only discontent, showdown and humiliation at home. It is forbidden to go anywhere. The only salvation is Idol. Inside the car, to the sound of rain and wind, a passionate and gentle voice of warm milk with a drop of honey spilled into my heart.

I continue to follow His work. Awards, prizes. I rejoice in victories with Him.

A year has passed.

The usual morning. I break out of the flow of annoying calls for the implementation of the sales plan. I read the news. Poster. Stop. Is it old? No, unbelievable! What? Again? Is He? Is coming? One more chance! The concert is on April 15th. There is still time to prepare and do everything to get there. This time I can. I will be at this concert. It seemed that at that moment I was ready to sell my soul to the devil.

The whole office exulted. Yes, I got like-minded people. We decide to buy tickets. Oh, that sharp financial issue! Is it justly to choose between a concert of the beloved Artist and a new dress?

Tickets are getting fewer. I’m not waiting for anyone. Everything has been decided for me. I’ll get to the concert, whatever it costs me. I take a prepaid expense. I'm going to the central ticket office. The cherished ticket is in my hands. Yes, I will see Him.

The concert day is coming. There is a girl among my colleagues. Her name is Tatyana. Not a close friend, but at that moment I had special warm feelings for her. Troubles of life constantly accompanied her. I empathized and felt sorry for her. She wanted to go to the concert too but cannot afford it. I was very worried about this. How am I going, but she is not?

There were 3 days left before the concert. Preparation process. What to wear, how to get there? Tanya looks at me with longing and asks for a detailed photo report. My heart is bleeding. Evening. I keep thinking about her. I'll give her my ticket. She must go instead of me. She deserves it. Life should be at least a little supportive.

In the morning at the office, feeling like a fairy, I give my ticket to Tatyana. No, I do not regret it. This is my decision. The soul is comfortable and calm. But I understand that concert is tomorrow. My inner voice mercilessly sounds in my ears: “You must be there, He is waiting for you!".

Listen to your thoughts and follow them. These are the signals of the universe, they will lead you on the right path. I borrow money. Buying a ticket. Now the place is even closer than in the previous one.

The Idol

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