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Dear Reader,

There’s something magical about firsts. The first day of school, first dates, first dances, and first kisses. The unknown combines with excitement, anticipation, worry, and fear to make the whole experience like no other. And that’s even true for first books. Before writing, those same emotions churn, and the results can be as surprising and unexpected as that first kiss.

That’s why I’m very excited about this special collection featuring Poison Study, Storm Glass, and a sneak peek of my new novel, Touch of Power. They are the first books of my three fantasy series, and they all have a special place in my heart.

Poison Study is not only the first of the Yelena Zaltana Series, but my very first book written. Ever. I didn’t have a drawer full of manuscripts, or a stack of rejection letters when I started. I had an idea to write a story about a food taster named Yelena. I worked on the story while caring for my young children. After three years, I had the first draft of my first book. Then began a series of more firsts. First round of revisions, my first rejection letter (of many), my first acceptance, my first editor…etc. I went on to write two more books about Yelena (Magic Study and Fire Study), but even though they are near and dear to me, there’s nothing like the first.

Then came Storm Glass and, while the fantasy world was the same as Yelena’s world and many familiar characters returned, for the first time I had a new main character, Opal Cowan. Again my emotions churned. Would my readers like Opal? Would she be too similar to Yelena? I must admit, I had to re-write the first three chapters of Storm Glass because Yelena kept telling Opal what to do. I had to exorcize Yelena from my mind so Opal’s voice could be heard in this book and in the next two, Sea Glass and Spy Glass.

And then came Avry of Kazan Realm in Touch of Power. A new character in a whole new world of the Fifteen Realms. Another first for me. You would think after writing six books, I’d be blasé and confident that all would be well. You’d be wrong ϑ. Excitement and anticipation mixed with the unknown and I was once again sailing in unfamiliar waters.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. They’re filled with adventure, mystery, mayhem, suspense, romance, and many many firsts.

Best wishes,


Maria V. Snyder Collection: Poison Study

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