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Novel number nine has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think? For the longest time, this book was either called the healer story, by my publisher/editor, or novel number nine by me. And yes, that’s why the mountain chain is called the Nine Mountains. I can also think of nine people who I need to thank for helping turn this idea I had into a story.

My daughter, Jenna, for asking every night, “What’s next?”

My agent, Bob Mecoy, for his help in sharpening the idea and selling it to MIRA.

My editor, Mary-Theresa Hussey, for her feedback and for the title of this and the next two books.

Assistant editor, Elizabeth Mazer, for all she does in getting the manuscript ready.

To my critique partner, Kim J. Howe, for all the comments and suggestions to improve this story.

My assistant, Becky Greenly, for helping with organizing the increasing number of reader emails and for getting the mail out so I have more time to write.

My niece and researcher, Amy Snyder, for finding cool little-known facts about the Black Death.

My husband, Rodney, for holding down the fort while I’m out and about promoting books and for finding those misplaced commas and gaps in logic.

My son, Luke, for learning how to juggle and inspiring the character Flea.

Thanks so much!

I also need to thank the following nine groups of people who also work hard on my books and who have supported me and my books.

The art department for, once again, creating the perfect cover.

The public relations, marketing and sales departments for continuing to get the word out about my books.

Those who worked on the copy edits and line edits.

The digital team for ensuring all my books are available as ebooks and audio books.

Dianne Moggy and Reka Rubin for coordinating and selling my foreign rights.

To my local community for all the support and kudos.

To Seton Hill University’s MFA program students and staff for the support, motivation and inspiration—every residency is a shot in the arm.

To my Book Commandos for their continuing loyalty and for recommending my books to everyone you meet.

To my extended family for the love and support as I continue to write books. Amazing, I know! And a shout-out to my father—who reads every book despite not being a reader and who tells everyone he knows about me whether they want to know or not. Thanks, Dad!

Thank you all!

Touch of Power

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