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ATP The American Trends Panel wave 56, Pew Research Center, Washington, DC, 2019 (4,860 respondents). For more information, see Pew Research Center, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c.
Baromètre 2016 Baromètre Santé 2016, Santé publique France, 2016 (15,216 respondents). For more information, see Bajos et al., 2018.
CSF Contexte de la sexualité en France, INSERM–INED, 2006 (12,364 respondents). For more information, see Bajos and Bozon, 2012.
EPIC Étude des parcours individuels et conjugaux, INED–INSEE, 2013–2014 (7,825 respondents). For more information, see Rault and Régnier-Loilier, 2019.
Eurostat Eurostat database, 2002–2019, European Union. For more information, see Eurostat, 2020.
GSS General Social Survey, NORC–University of Chicago–National Science Foundation, 1972–2018 (64,814 respondents). For more information, see Marsden, 2012.
IALP Internet & American Life Project Survey, Pew Research Center, Washington, DC, 2013 (2,252 respondents). For more information, see Smith and Duggan, 2013.
Pairfam The German Family Panel release 12.0, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2019–2020 (7,630 respondents). For more information, see Huinink et al., 2011; Brüderl et al., 2021.
PTS Pew Tracking Survey, Pew Research Center, Washington, DC, 2015 (2,001 respondents). For more information, see Pew Research Center, 2016.

Big Data

Meetic Group Platforms, Meetic Group Europe, 2019:

Platforms analyzed: Match, Meetic, Ourtime, DatingDirect, Lexa, LoveScout24 and Neu.

Metadata on: anonymized user profiles (27,709,707 profiles) and contact behavior (824,989,940 exchanged messages).


Interviews with users, 2007–2018:

biographical interviews with 82 French users of dating sites and applications, conducted by Marie Bergström and Rébecca Lévy-Guillain.

Interviews with entrepreneurs, 2009–2019:

semi-structured interviews with 19 French, US, and Canadian founders or employees of dating sites and applications, conducted by Marie Bergström.

The New Laws of Love

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