Читать книгу Cybersecurity and Decision Makers - Marie De Fréminville - Страница 2


Table of Contents





1 An Increasingly Vulnerable World 1.1. The context 1.2. Cybercrime 1.3. The cybersecurity market 1.4. Cyber incidents 1.5. Examples of particularly exposed sectors of activity 1.6. Responsibilities of officers and directors

2 Corporate Governance and Digital Responsibility 2.1. Corporate governance and stakeholders 2.2. The shareholders 2.3. The board of directors 2.4. Customers and suppliers 2.5. Operational management

3 Risk Mapping 3.1. Cyber-risks 3.2. The context 3.3. Vulnerabilities 3.4. Legal risks 3.5. The objectives of risk mapping 3.6. The different methods of risk analysis 3.7. Risk assessment (identify) 3.8. Protecting 3.9. Detecting 3.10. Reacting 3.11. Restoring 3.12. Decentralized mapping 3.13. Insurance 3.14. Non-compliance risks and ethics

4 Regulations 4.1. The context 4.2. The different international regulations (data protection) 4.3. Cybersecurity regulations, the NIS Directive 4.4. Sectoral regulations 4.5. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 4.6. Consequences for the company and the board of directors

5 Best Practices of the Board of Directors 5.1. Digital skills 5.2. Situational awareness 5.3. Internal governance 5.4. Data protection 5.5. Choosing your service providers 5.6. The budget 5.7. Cyberculture 5.8. The dashboard for officers and directors

10  6 Resilience and Crisis Management 6.1. How to ensure resilience? 6.2. Definition of a CERT 6.3. Definition of a SOC 6.4. The role of ENISA 6.5. The business continuity plan 6.6. Crisis management 6.7. Crisis simulation

11  Conclusion: The Digital Committee

12  Appendices Appendix 1: Cybersecurity Dashboard Appendix 2: Ensuring Cybersecurity in Practice and on a Daily Basis Appendix 3: Tools to Identify, Protect, Detect, Train, React and Restore

13  Glossary

14  References

15  Index

16  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 3.1. 2017 World Economic Forum Risk Framework

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. The impact of digital transformation on the security of information ...Figure 1.2. History (source: Starboard Advisory)Figure 1.3. The five different types of attacks that companies face each year (s...Figure 1.4. Still a very high rate of companies affected by cyber-attacks (sourc...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. The four missions of the board of directors (source: Starboard Advis...Figure 2.2. Civil and criminal liability of executives (source: Starboard Adviso...Figure 2.3. Background: CISOs are not very confident in the ability of their COM...Figure 2.4. Cyber-risk governance (source: Starboard Advisory)

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. History: the greater impact of cyber-attacks on the business of targ...Figure 3.2. Cyber-risk: a business risk (source: Naval Group)Figure 3.3. The interconnectivity of IT domains (source: Naval Group). For a col...Figure 3.4. Security breaches, the most striking feature of IoTs (source: accord...Figure 3.5. Companies are increasingly subscribing to cyber insurance (source: a...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Complying with the GDPR (source: Starboard Advisory). For a color ve...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Employees who are aware of cybersecurity, but who are not very invol...Figure 5.2. Most companies store at least some of their data in a cloud… most of...Figure 5.3. Companies deploy more than a dozen cybersecurity solutions on averag...Figure 5.4. Human intervention remains necessary in the eyes of CISOs (source: a...Figure 5.5. To secure data stored in a public cloud, the CISO does not only use ...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Preparing for a major cyber-attack: less than one in two companies f...Figure 6.2. Cyber resilience (source: Starboard Advisory)



2 Table of Contents

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Cybersecurity and Decision Makers

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