Читать книгу The Cowboy's Christmas Surprise - Marie Ferrarella - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

We’ve come to the last of the Rodriguez brothers. With all five of his siblings either married or, in Mike’s case, about to be married, Ray Rodriguez considers himself to be the last man standing—and this enthusiastic playboy with a golden tongue fully intends to remain that way. He’s having, he tells his best friend, too much fun to ever consider getting married. And that’s unfortunate for his best friend, because his best friend is Holly Johnson, who has been in love with Ray since the first grade. As his best friend, she knows him better than anyone, is privy to all his secrets and, sadly for her, gets to listen to Ray talk about each of his many girlfriends.

When a series of events—not the least of which is having his sister Alma give birth in the diner’s restroom, with Holly in attendance—cause him to look at Holly in a different light, he begins to wonder what took him so long to realize how terrific, not to mention beautiful, she really is. Now how to convince Holly that he’s really serious and not just pulling her leg?

Got your attention? Good. Start reading.

As ever, thank you for that—and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you someone to love who loves you back.

All the best,

Marie Ferrarella

The Cowboy's Christmas Surprise

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