Читать книгу The Doctor's Forever Family - Marie Ferrarella - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

Welcome back to Forever. It’s time for Tina’s story. You didn’t think I’d forget her, did you? Tina was the reason her sister even discovered the town—and what her heart was missing. When we first met Tina she was a very confused single mother whose baby’s father had just tried to kill both of them. The Tina who eventually emerged from that emotional train wreck became a stronger, more centered person, focused on her son rather than herself and her admittedly horrendous choice of a male companion. As we get back to her now, she is busy building up her life, getting an accounting degree and making plans for herself and her son. But the best-laid plans of mice, men and heroines are often led astray and the very handsome bump in Tina’s road is Dr. Dan Davenport, a man who comes with his own secret baggage to become Forever’s first doctor in thirty years. Is he just an obstacle, or something more? Come read and find out.

As ever, I thank you for reading (where would I be without you?) and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you someone to love who loves you back.


Marie Ferrarella

The Doctor's Forever Family

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