Читать книгу Have You Had a Coffee Break Today? (But Not the Way You Think!) - Marie Vilsack Richards - Страница 7
ОглавлениеEnemas are one of the world’s oldest, safest and gentlest cleansing and healing medical procedures still in use. In every culture throughout ancient history, the enema has been used for internal cleansing of the body to rid it of harmful disease causing substances. Before there was writing, ancient drawings and hieroglyphs depict enemas being given to the sick. The Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, the earliest medical text dating to 1500 B.C. mentions the enema. The Pharaoh had a doctor given the title “The Guardian of the Anus” whose job it was to administer the enemas.
In ancient Aramaic writings (“The Essene Gospel of Peace”) Jesus tells the very sick to go down to the rivers edge and administer “the reed and gourd.” In this case, a hollow gourd was filled with water and a flexible reed used as the hose. The ancient Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese and Hindus used enemas. The American Indians used a deer bladder for the bag and a hollow femur bone for the hose. The world’s first use of rubber was in making enema bags and tubes. The pre-Columbian South Americans used latex from the trees for this purpose. The ancient Mayans had an enema ritual which was accompanied by trumpets, drums, wandering minstrels, and dancing girls!
Enemas were used regularly for centuries as a normal home routine of hygiene and healing. In my own family, the enema bag hung in the bathroom at the ready and was considered as normal a part of hygiene as taking a bath or brushing your teeth. Within the last forty years, the regular use of enemas is not practiced in this country. At the same time the general health is decreasing. There is more cancer, heart disease and diabetes and more new ailments plaguing us such as ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus. Coincidental? Not at all! We are not cleaning out regularly the poisons from our bodies by this gentle and safe method.
It is interesting to note that until the mid-1970’s, coffee enemas were recommended in the Merck Manual, a respected medical reference book of current therapies in use.
By definition, an enema is a “fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of cleaning out the bowel or of administering drugs or food.”
In herbalism, enemas are used for three things:
1.to detoxify
2.to stop pain
3.to stop nervousness
Coffee enemas do this extremely well. (Enemas are not used for constipation, although they will relieve it.)
Enemas are the least expensive proven therapy that you can do for your health. They are safer than both over-the-counter and prescription drugs but simple precautions and guidelines must be followed in the preparation and administration of the enema and the hygiene of the enema apparatus.
In herbalism, there are many kinds of enemas which can be taken. All detoxify the body and improve health. What I am going to focus on in this book is the coffee enema. It is truly the most healing of all enemas for the reason that it has a dramatic stimulating and healing effect on the liver.
First, in order to understand the importance and value of coffee enemas in healing, you must understand something about liver function and the liver’s role in healing any and every disease or dysfunction in the body.