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Marietta Holley [Samantha]Frontispiece
Serenus Gowdey tramped up and down our kitchen floor swingin’ his arms and describin’ the wonders of Coney Island.8
The old deacon couldn’t stand such talk. He turned him outdoors, slammed the door in his face, and forbid Faith to speak to him again.14
I liked Castle Rest. It seemed a monument riz up to faithful, patient mothers by the hand of filial gratitude and love.49
I tried to stop him. I didn’t want him to demean himself before the oarsmen tryin’ to find boats that hadn’t been hearn on in hundreds of years.68
‘I won’t wear a veil,’ sez he stoutly. But the next time a gale come from the sou’west I laid the brim back and tied the veil in a big bow knot under his chin.83
“ ‘What does ail you, Samantha, lockin’ arms with me all the time—it will make talk! he whispered in a mad, impatient whisper, but I would hang on as long as Mr. Pomper wuz around.”99
“As they come nigh me I riz up almost wildly and ketched holt of my pardner and sez I: ‘Desist! Josiah Allen, stop to once!’ The aged female looked at me in surprise.”132
‘No,’ sez Mr. Pomper, ‘I want it done as speedily as possible, fer my late lamented left me thirteen children, two pairs of triplets, two ditto of twins, and three singles.’144
Mr. Pomper, thinkin’ he would see better, got up on the bench, and jest as he shouted out ‘How firm a foundation,’ the bench broke and down he come.169
And then he would call in Uncle Nate Peedick and they would bend their two gray bald heads and talk about specifications and elevations till my brain seemed most as soft as theirn.196
‘Serenus and Josiah are havin’ a gay time at Coney Island. I’ve jest had a card from Serenus,’ sez Miss Gowdey. You could have knocked me down with a pin feather.215
I stood before what seemed to be a great city. Endless white towers riz up as if callin’ attention to ’em.227
On we went under the waterfall, up, up, down, down, and finally shot out jest where we got in.231
The Witching Waves “Folks get into little automobiles and steer ’em themselves.236
A boat full of men and women set out from the highest peak, shot down the declivity like lightnin’ and dashed ’way out on the other side of the bridge.239
Rows of high-headed mettlesome hosses.247
I’m tellin’ the livin’ truth, as she towered up in front on me, her breast opened and a man’s face looked out on me.254
As I went down with lightnin’ speed I had’nt time to think much.259
Pretty soon it begun to move and one by one they wuz throwed off and went down I know not where.261
“As I went into Dreamland it seemed as if all the folks in the city was there.”267
“We got in a small boat and wuz carried round and round till we dived into a dark tunnel.”277
“I went forward to see the Head Hunters. I sez to ’em ‘I’ve hearn of your doin’s and I want to advise you for your good.’ ”282
“It wuz a sight to see, acres and acres of sand dotted with men, wimmen, and children.”287
I rushed forwards and cried to the lordly beast above, jest ready to spring: ‘Don’t harm Josiah! Devour me instead.’ ”304
I myself never sot foot on the Bowery; I wuzn’t goin’ to nasty up my mind with it, though I hearn there wuz some good things to be seen there.314
‘The suller!’ He stood agast, perfectly dumb-foundered but wuzn’t goin’ to give in he had made a mistake. It wuz too mortifying to his pride.319
I don’t know how long they stood there, his eyes searchin’ the dear face and findin’ a sacred meanin’ in it.348
Samantha at Coney Island, and a Thousand Other Islands

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