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Fully Persuaded Faith is dedicated to my husband, Darnell and my children, Dwight and Melissa James. Their humor and perspectives have been spring boards for this book. Appreciation goes to Melissa, Dwight and Sister Presita May for their input on the cover.
Next, I wish to personally thank Sister Freda Robinson and her mother, Sister Lorraine Gibbs, for their ongoing, consistent prayers to spearhead this project from conception to completion, including recommending an artist to finalize the book cover!! Both have encouraged us countless times from New York as we faced difficult family circumstances.
Lastly, my heartfelt thanks go to my first edition editors, Renee McCline and Modupe Oladeinde for the hours they spent adding comments and encouragement to this project as it progressed toward completion! Modupe gained a new outlook about the type of faith we should embrace and recommended that we should only approach God with fully persuaded faith. Renee recommended chapter ten, since her family was positively impacted during many crises with answered prayer. Freda Robinson graciously agreed to fine-tune the second edition along with Renee McCline.
The purpose of “Fully Persuaded Faith” is to encourage Christians to continue praying fervently according to James 5:15 for each situation, challenge, attack, undesired circumstance and stage of one’s life, since “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”. Often, prayer is used as a last resort, when in fact; prayer should be used as the first line of defense against the devil’s tactics each time a situation occurs. During these turbulent times, read the bible and have an active, personal connection with God. None of us can build a faith foundation during a hurricane.
The Lord advised two of us to “touch and agree on any request”, so that He can perform the request for the petitioners, according to Matthew 18:19:
“Again, I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven”. Note this point and tuck it away.
The pages of “Fully Persuaded Faith” will re-cap God’s great faithfulness in our everyday lives over the past two decades. The examples are ones that other families have faced or will face. These examples can indeed serve as a support to anyone in a storm.
Since we know that God is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), our experiences are written to give the reader hope and share Scriptures to apply to situations. GOD NEVER CHANGES. Decades and technology do change, yet God’s prevailing glory remains the same. His on-time deliverance is evident, even in a pandemic. Hence, “Fully Persuaded Faith” documents His glory in this generation!
Personal History
The writer is the second child of five and is married with two (2) grown children. The oldest sibling, Linda, is widowed and has two (2) grown sons. Wayne is the third sibling; he is married with two (2) grown sons. Korveeta is the fourth child. Cornelius was the youngest; his two (2) children are grown. In 2015, Cornelius passed away after many years with multiple sclerosis.
The writer prayed diligently for God’s direction for a life partner starting around 18 years old. The writer wrote out specifics about this unknown man: he needed to be 5’11, a dedicated Christian, friendly and a person who enjoyed giving his time, expertise or money when needed. God sent such a man through a co-worker and the unknown man’s older brother; these gentlemen orchestrated this match! Marilynn and Darnell James dated for approximately one and half years prior to their union on May 25, 1985.
Dwight was born in 1987 and Melissa was born in 1989. The children provided many reasons to pray as they grew. Dwight was an active young man who climbed on or flipped over everything. We held our breath often when he fell after climbing or jumping unexpectedly. Melissa’s asthma diagnosis kept us seeking God for rhythmical breathing miracles. As they grew, we learned that God was preparing us for greater prayer combat through our children’s situations. Later, these same prayer requests would transfer to others’ concerns for their children.
Spiritual History
As a young Christian, the writer attended a church with primarily middle aged and retired Christians. This made a great impact on the writer as faith was expressed often and readily. Churchgoers in this genre felt that faith and prayer cured everything immediately.
Education was not emphasized in that church, since ministers considered college a “worldly encounter”, because school transitions could contribute to church absenteeism. The writer asked God for a committed, fervent relationship as well as high school and college success.
During high school and college, the writer taught Sunday School, directed the choir, led Praise and Worship services and made fast friends with a ninety plus (90+) year old deacon. Since the deacon utilized God’s power for over forty (40) years, he aided the writer in actively seeking God for life’s answers when problems surfaced.
God gave the writer an ability to formulate situational prayer requests as issues are described. Through the years, many individuals have appreciated this gift—when no prayer came immediately to their own minds.
This writer taught various seminars at church regarding faith, leadership, planning, wellness and family management, by God’s help.
Pastor William (Bill) Winston is the current, senior pastor at Living Word Christian Center (LWCC), in Forest Park, IL. He actively displays and teaches faith. As a LWCC member, the writer volunteered as a Spanish instructor to local students and to those doing foreign mission work with Adult Education Ministry (AEM)).
Professional History
The writer completed bachelor’s degrees in nursing and in Spanish as well as a master’s degree in nursing. The author served as an adjunct faculty member at University of Illinois, St. Xavier and Aurora University Nursing Schools and presented seminars at many national and state occupational health nursing conferences.
Many prayer assignments were encountered in the nursing profession. The writer collaborated with patients in hospitals and many clients within employer, insurance and church settings when individuals needed guidance regarding medical conditions and/or prayer for those same conditions.
We live in a world that generally relies on technology and personal knowledge. We may exclude His wisdom and righteousness from daily living until there is an emergency. Yet, Hebrew 13:8 reminds us that “God is the same, yesterday, today and forever”. In troubling, uncertain and pandemic times, God is still available to us when we believe. The following pages will highlight His great faithfulness.
I want to express gratitude for my husband, Darnell, who has been steadfast in prayer with me in each stage of our lives. I thank Dwight and Melissa, our young adults, for their willingness to request prayer for school, basketball, poetry club and work issues. Without these issues, I would not have sought the depths of prayer that I now know!
I honor my deceased parents, Gordon and Effie Mahone, as pastors of the Apostolic Faith Church in Evanston, Illinois, for their dedication to spiritual endeavors during my teen and young adult years.
I acknowledge God for His “tender fingers of mercy” as He has strategically placed a mighty army of prayer warriors in our lives. In the late 1980’s, we prayed for “good friends”, especially “good couple friends”. I wondered how God would connect others to us. He did so with two church moves and an out-of-state prayer retreat that Darnell attended. These connections occurred over a 10-year span.
Special thanks to Evangelist Shirley Davis for her unrelenting prayers and agreement since 1988. She is a true friend, who models effective prayer and has supported us in all phases of our family’s development.
Sister Freda Robinson and her mom, Sister Lorraine Gibbs, prayed fervently for the first edition of this book for more than twelve years. Both have encouraged us countless times from New York as we faced difficult family circumstances.
I want to especially thank God for the Mom Prayer Team in my community for their consistent prayers with me for our children and families as our children grew in the spirit and admonition of the Lord from 1996-2007. They served as exceptional role models as wives, mothers and school activists.
Deacon Lamont and Evangelist Florence Johnson, Pastor Al and Evangelist Ever Houston and Sister Tanya Briggs were given to us as “true yoke fellow friends”, according to Philippians 4:3, while we attended Truth and Deliverance Church. All are ready “prayer warriors” at any time!
Pastor Tiffany Baker-McFee, her husband Lee McFee, her sister, Tamika Martin, along with Corey and Teresse Lewis are staunch and intuitive prayer warriors. They are easily accessible.
Sister Loretta Wilson joined me in prayer at work originally. She readily expects God’s answers to manifest impossible things and never tires of trusting God’s power now.
Pastor Rick and Sister Betsy Bullis taught us the power of “not seeing, yet believing” when Dwight was struck by a taxi in May 2001. They prayed fervently for Dwight’s deliverance from any permanent injury that day.
Sister Evelyn Watt walked through life with us in prayer for more than 48 years. She demonstrated ardent trust in God until she passed away at 104 years old in 2017.
Pastor-Emeritus Johnny and Mrs. Beatrice Lay have shown hospitality and concern for us during our visits to California. During significant family trials, Pastor Johnny Lay has been a marvelous example of a Shepherd supporting the Sheep of God during crises with multiple, ongoing prayers and pertinent scriptures.
Deacon Calvin and Evangelist Virginia Brown joined our lives through a retreat event in Whitewater, Wisconsin. This connection taught me to seek God diligently for who we should have as contacts in our lives.
Sister Sheryl Thomas had an immeasurable effect in Melissa’s life during the early years. Her family’s desires manifested as she diligently sought the Lord.
Special mention is warranted for Tony and Elisabeth Dlutowski who acted as surrogate grandparents as Dwight and Melissa grew. Anne Marie Dlutowski’s loyalty to our family over the years is greatly appreciated. Christine Provost, Dwight’s godmother, was and is committed to the young people during every stage of their lives! Brother John and Evangelist Gwen Golliday, Melissa’s godparents, Uncle Walter and Aunt Lillie Hopkins, Aunt Geraldine James, Aunt Marva, Uncle Wayne and Aunt Korveeta Mahone have intervened with prayer and assistance when needed.
I met Sister Silvia Caballero and Sister Tasha Johnson through Corporate Prayer in different years; yet, both have shared insightful, powerful prayers for the family! Sister Eboni Lawrence created a marvelous website to display this product!
Lastly, Renee McCline is a friend that sticks closer than any brother or sister could ever hope to do. During family trials, she swings by to lend a hand as often as requested!
All have offered discernment, encouragement, experience, strong prayers and wisdom continually for many years. They have been attuned to the Spirit of God and obeyed when God gave them a message for our family.
To God be the glory!
Scripture Reference
Romans 4:20-21 KJV
“Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief;
but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
And being fully persuaded that
what God had promised, He
was able to perform.
This book is intended to bolster the faith of those who are challenged with work, family, trials, illness, accidents, injuries, school, family or job loss and life’s difficulties, etc.
Secondly, this book is to glorify God for His mercy, truth and great faithfulness to our friends, my family and me. I realize that God’s hand of protection and wisdom has guided us through many highways in life.
Thirdly, I wish to encourage all of those thinking and contemplating writing their own story to do so, since this book had been forming in my mind and heart for twelve years. During 2005 when my father was sick and subsequently passed away, I continued to ponder the chapters for this project. This book was initially birthed during two great family trials in 2007:
1 My mom’s tremendous fight for life as she battled cancer and;
2 My brother’s hospitalization for progressive Multiple Sclerosis (aka MS). I began to write with God’s help.
As you read, I have noted within these pages how God delivers; also, Prayer Jewels contain Scriptures that encouraged us during trials. I did not always like how God delivered. Yet, I must report that God joined us dynamically in each fiery furnace like the three (3) Hebrew men (Daniel 3:3-30) and every lion’s den like Daniel, (Daniel 6:7-23).
As a result of multiple prayer situations, my endeavor now is to pray as comprehensively as possible and I encourage readers to do so as well.
For example: I usually pray for newborns and their parents for God’s direction, health and understanding. Now, the request must include future friends, acquaintances and teachers, since these parties play an important role in a child’s growth and development. In light of the school massacres starting with Columbine High School, one must extend prayers of protection across the nation and the world.
That is why it is important to apply faith to the situation at hand. “The redeemed of the Lord, say so, who God redeemed from the hand of the enemy”, Psalm 107:2.
We receive what we say. “As truly as I live, says the Lord, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you”, Numbers 14:28. If we do not want a particular circumstance, do not speak it!! Often, we pray for an answer, yet, we discuss the problem immediately afterwards. Stick to speaking the answer, even if the conditions appear unchanged. Have others speak the answer too. Agreement is so powerful.
“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”, Proverbs 23:7. Be aware of what lingers in the heart; this verse notes that a man is what he thinks.
Be blessed and joyful as we continue to serve the King of Kings!