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Chapter Two

An hour ago Dave had informed Mack that a guest—the daughter of a former college buddy—wanted a horseback-riding lesson. He checked his watch. She should be here any moment. Mack made sure the saddle on Speckles fit snug in case the horse decided to sprint after a desert jackrabbit. The mare’s spirited personality made her his favorite.

“You behave on the trail, you hear?” Speckles’s ears twitched and he rubbed the animal’s nose. “No showing off in front of Warrior.”

Speckles and Warrior had a love-hate relationship. Warrior developed a crush on Speckles the day she’d arrived at the ranch, but Speckles acted as if she couldn’t be bothered with the old gelding. Mack checked his watch again. “C’mon, lady. Where are you?”

“Right here.”

He spun, opening his mouth to apologize. The words evaporated on his tongue when the blood drained from the woman’s face, leaving her skin as white as Elmer’s school paste. Worried she’d faint, he stepped forward but she hastily retreated. If she toppled over, he hoped she hit her head on the edge of a hay bale and not the concrete floor.

Eyes wide, she gaped at him. He must remind her of someone—maybe a dead someone. Her lips parted then pressed closed as if her voice, along with her blood, had drained from her body. Since conversation appeared to be at a standstill he studied her, zeroing in on her mouth. When he noticed the faint scar next to her lower lip, his scalp prickled.

Her brown eyes were the same shape as...and her nose was as straight as... No. She was missing the butterfly eyelashes and long hair. His gaze trailed down her body, stalling on her breasts. Heat spread through his gut.

It couldn’t be...

“Hello, Mack.”

Just Beth? No frickin’ way.

Of all the places he’d imagined running into the woman who’d snuck off to a motel with him a month ago, the dude ranch had never been one of them. “What are you doing here?”

She blinked as if in a daze. “I didn’t know you worked at the ranch.”

No kidding. If she had, she wouldn’t have booked a cabin here. “You’re a tough lady to find.” There. He admitted he’d been looking for her. Now the ball was in her court.

She waved a hand in front of her face—her nails were short and there was no trace of the bold, red polish. Gone, too, were the dangling earrings and sparkly eye shadow. Beth wore no makeup—except for the pink shine on her lips. The woman standing before him had nothing in common with the sexy siren he’d met at the Number 10 Saloon.

“You’re busy,” she said. “I’ll come back later.”

Like hell she would. “Stay.” He wasn’t letting her off the hook that easy. “The horses are already saddled.” He led Speckles from her stall, then took Warrior’s reins and escorted the animals out of the barn. He stopped next to the horse trough and cupped his hands near Warrior’s stirrup. “Put your left foot in here and swing your right leg over the saddle.”

Beth hesitated then edged closer and grasped the pummel. When she lifted her leg, he moved his hands beneath her shoe and hoisted her—a little too hard. She pitched forward and he grasped her waist, his fingers biting into her flesh to prevent her from sailing over Warrior’s head.

She rocked back, her rump hitting the saddle hard. Warrior shifted in surprise. Wanting to be certain she’d regained her balance, he tightened his hold on her, but she took exception to his touch and attempted to twist free. She teetered toward the opposite side and Mack reached for her shoulder, but his hand landed on her breast—a mound of soft flesh his fingers were intimately familiar with.

A jolt of electricity zapped his body, triggering a flashback of their night in the motel. She made eye contact and the heat in her gaze sent a second shockwave through him. She was a live wire.

Without speaking he hopped on Speckles, took Warrior’s reins and guided the horses to the trailhead. They rode in silence. With each passing minute, Mack’s frustration mounted. He led the horses off the trail toward a shallow water hole.

“Where are we going?”

The tremor in Beth’s voice convinced him that the bold, gutsy lady he’d met at the bar had been an imposter. “The horses need to rest.”

She lifted an eyebrow but didn’t challenge him. He hopped off Speckles then dropped the reins on the ground. The mare wandered to the water’s edge and drank. “Would you like help getting down?”

“No. I’ll wait here until your horse is ready to go.”

“My horse isn’t going to leave until you and I talk.” He crossed his arms over his chest and a stare-down ensued.

“Mack.” Beth’s eyes pleaded with him. “Do we have to discuss that night?”

Ouch. That she wanted to forget the most amazing few hours of his life hurt way more than a nasty fall off a rank bronc. “You owe me a few answers.”

Her brow wrinkled. “I don’t owe you anything.”

Amused by her stubbornness, he asked, “What’s your real name?”

With a resigned huff she yanked her foot from the stirrup and slid off Warrior. As soon as her feet hit the dirt, the horse walked to the pond for a drink. “Beth Richards.” She jutted her chin as if daring him to challenge her again.

“Why wouldn’t you tell me your last name the night we—”

“Because I never planned on seeing you again.”

“You’re not married, are you?”

“Not anymore.”

Startled, he asked, “Were you married when we—”

“I signed the divorce papers earlier in the day before I showed up at the bar.”

“So you were celebrating your divorce that night?”


His stomach knotted. Why was he upset that Beth had used him? He’d approached her in the bar. He’d been the one to invite her to go off with him later that night. Maybe that was the problem—he couldn’t reconcile the Beth on horseback with the Beth at the Number 10. “Why the getup?”


“Fancy clothes, heavy makeup and long hair? You looked like all the other buckle bunnies in the bar.”

She gestured to herself. “I doubt you would have left with me if I’d walked into the place looking like...me.”

Was she kidding?

She dropped her gaze but not before he saw a flicker of doubt in her eyes. “The horses are done drinking.”

The horses could wait. He still had a few questions. “Was everything a lie that night?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said you worked at an investment firm.”

“I did.”

“You quit your husband and you quit your job?”

Her head snapped up. “I didn’t quit my husband. He quit me. As for the job, I didn’t have any other choice but to quit.”

His question had visibly upset her. “What are you doing here? Hiding from an abusive ex?”

“Brad’s not like that. He’s too wrapped up in his ego to bother making my life miserable.”

Mack was relieved she hadn’t been mistreated by her ex. “You still haven’t told me why you’re here at the ranch.”

“I needed a place to catch my breath after the divorce.”

“You could have caught your breath in Cancún or Belize. Black Jack Mountain?”

“My parents are friends with Dave. They’ve visited the ranch several times but I never have.” She shrugged. “It seemed like a good place to relax and make plans for the future.”

Plans for a future that obviously didn’t include him.

“Mack, I’m sorry. I thought you were just a singer in a local band. You never mentioned working at a dude ranch.”

He kicked a rock across the ground and cursed. He’d brought up his job after they’d made love, but evidently she hadn’t been listening. Maybe he was better off not knowing what that night was all about for her. Obviously, she hadn’t been as wowed by the sex as he had or she’d have tried to contact him after she left the motel.

He fetched the horses. “How long are you staying?” He might have to find a new job if she intended to hide in her guest cabin indefinitely.

“I don’t know.” She placed her foot in his hands. “I guess until I figure out where I want to move.”

She was leaving—that killed any possibility of the two of them starting over. He helped her onto Warrior, then mounted Speckles and clicked his tongue. He could tolerate Beth’s presence until she made plans for the future—if not, he was in big trouble.

* * *

THREE DAYS HAD PASSED since Beth had discovered Mack was an employee at the dude ranch—how they’d managed to avoid each other was a miracle in and of itself. Then again, she’d taken all her meals in her cabin to increase her odds of not crossing paths with the cowboy. Nights were another story. As soon as her head hit the pillow, Beth’s mind raced with thoughts of Mack. And when she finally drifted off, visions of their night in the motel plagued her sleep, and each morning she woke emotionally exhausted.

Twice she’d walked down the path to Dave’s office to thank him for the use of the cabin and notify him that she was leaving. But her feet had a mind of their own and she’d ended up meandering away from main ranch quarters as she was doing right now. She stopped at the entrance to the barn then glanced at the parking lot. Mack’s truck was missing among the vehicles. Maybe she’d sneak inside and visit the horses.

“Hoss?” She waited for her eyes to adjust to the dimness.

“In the storage room.”

She passed by the empty stalls, the scent of fresh hay and grain surprisingly pleasant. “I thought I’d visit the horses but—”

“Jake let ’em out to graze.”

She exhaled quietly.

“You bored, missy?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Mind if I ask a personal question?”

Other than introducing themselves, she and Hoss hadn’t exchanged more than a “thank you” or “you’re welcome” all week. “Sure.”

“What’s goin’ on between you ’n’ Mack?”

Had Mack mentioned their one-night stand to the ranch hand? “Nothing. Why?”

“You don’t eat in the dining hall with the rest of us.”

“I’ve been working right through dinner.” That was partially true. One day this week she searched the internet for employment opportunities while she ate her supper.

Hoss’s rheumy eyes latched on to her and she worried he could see clear through to her soul. “Mack hasn’t cracked a joke all week.” He removed a towel from the shelf and wiped his hands. “Acts like a man who’s—”

“Hoss, don’t you have better things to do than bother the guests?”

Mack lounged in the doorway as if he didn’t have a care in the world. How long had he been standing there?

“Guess I’ll take a few carrots out to the horses.” Hoss left the room, his shuffling footsteps echoing through the barn.

Mack unnerved Beth. She hadn’t seen this serious side of him the night they’d met. Then he blinked and for a split second she saw a wounded look in his eyes before it vanished.

“Wait.” Could it be that he’d asked for her number because their night at the motel had been more than just sex for him? Beth’s heart raced with hope...then dread.

You’re not the Beth he took to the motel room.

She rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming on. That night had been the worst-best mistake of her life. “Mack, this isn’t going to work.”

He glanced up, his brown eyes devoid of emotion. “What are you talking about?”

“Us...together at the ranch.” She scuffed the toe of her athletic shoe against the floor. “I’ll tell Dave that I’m leaving in the morning.”

“You don’t have to go.”

“But you don’t want me here.” She’d find some other place to hole up. Maybe even return to the El Rancho Motel and rent the same room she and Mack had slept in. It would serve her right after going off the deep end and celebrating her divorce with a night of hot sex with a stranger. That ingenious plan sure had backfired.

“You’re right,” he said. “But this is Dave’s ranch. He can invite whoever he wants here. Even women I’ve had sex with.”

Beth’s gut twisted. “I can explain...” I think.

“No need. I get it. You were out for sex and—”

She gasped.


“You don’t have to be so crude,” she said.

“I call it like I see it. You dolled yourself up then set your sights on me. After you got what you wanted, you walked away without a backward glance.”

Miffed, she planted her hands on her hips. “And I see it like this... You approached me in the bar and unlike my husband, I at least waited for my divorce to become final before I took a walk on the wild side.” She narrowed her eyes. “And the reason I dolled myself up was because men like you never give women like me a second glance.”

“What are you talking about?”

She spread her arms wide. “When it comes to passion and desire I’m no man’s fantasy.”

“You don’t think very highly of yourself.”

She would have fled, if her only escape route hadn’t been blocked by six feet of wide-shouldered cowboy. “I think we should—”

“Pretend that night never happened.”

Forgetting her evening with Mack was the last thing she wanted to do, but she didn’t dare tell him that unless she cared to keep torturing herself.

“Fine,” he said. “We’ll act as if we never met before.”

Beth didn’t know if he was serious or if his bruised ego was talking. Ego aside, how were they supposed to act as if they were strangers—they’d touched and kissed each other in places strangers wouldn’t dare.

He thrust his hand toward her. Warily she placed her fingers on his callused palm. Her chest tightened at the tiny electrical pulses that skittered up her arm. Now she knew she hadn’t imagined that sensation the night in the motel—only it hadn’t been their hands rubbing together that had created the electrifying feeling.

His fingers folded over her hand and squeezed gently. “Mack Cash. I’m from Stagecoach and I work as a wrangler at the Black Jack Mountain Dude Ranch. I also play in a country-and-western band called the Cowboy Rebels.”

He wasn’t joking. “I’m Beth Richards and I used to work for Biker and Donavan as an investment counselor. I’m recently divorced and in the process of deciding whether or not I want to remain in Yuma or move away.”

The corner of Mack’s mouth lifted in a semblance of a smile. “Nice to meet you, Beth. I hope we can be friends.”

This was foolish, but she was at a loss when it came to Mack. “Same here.”

He released her hand and she resisted curling her fingers into her palm to trap his warmth from escaping. He tipped his hat then left the storage room. Mack strolled through the barn, forcing one foot in front of the other until he stepped into the sun.

“You ’n’ that filly set things straight?”

“It’s none of your business, Hoss.” He hated shutting the old man out but Mack was too confused about his feelings for Beth. Until he knew exactly what he felt for her, he didn’t care for anyone’s advice.

“I don’t think Millie’ll be back.”

“Millie has it good with the boss.” Even though there was a ten-year age difference between the housekeeper and sixty-eight-year-old Dave Paxton, when Mack had seen the couple together, they’d appeared happy.

“So you don’t wanna talk about that missy in the barn, eh?” Hoss said.


“She’s watchin’ us right now.”

Mack stiffened but didn’t check over his shoulder. “You won’t quit nagging unless you know everything, will you?”

“Figure it’s only a matter of time before you spill your guts.”

“I met Beth at a bar last month. At least I think it was Beth.”

“You ain’t sure?”

“She was all sexed up and on the prowl.”

“You didn’t take advantage of that poor gal, did you?”

Mack scowled. If anyone had been taken advantage of, it had been him. Now that a few weeks had passed and Mack had reflected on that night, he admitted that he’d genuinely liked Beth—probably because she hadn’t acted like any buckle bunny he’d been out with before. She hadn’t been drunk, boisterous or even giggly. And when he’d looked into her eyes there had been intelligence and maturity—qualities that had been missing from the other sloe-eyed beauties he’d hooked up with in the past. “It wasn’t like that.”

“Then what was it like?” Hoss asked.

“There was something different about her, and when the evening ended I asked for her number.”

“She didn’t give it to you.”


When Hoss grinned, Mack growled. “What the hell’s so funny?”

“She’s the first lady who hasn’t succumbed to your cowboy charm.”

“Succumbed? You’re using pretty big words, Hoss.”

“Whatcha gonna do?”

“Nothing.” Beth made it clear that she wasn’t interested in cozying up with him during her stay at the dude ranch.

“You gonna let a decent woman like her get away without a fight?”

“If she was so decent, she wouldn’t have pretended to be someone she wasn’t.”

“Maybe she had a good reason.”

Lack of self-confidence wasn’t good enough in Mack’s book. And it didn’t change the fact that she hadn’t wanted him to contact her after they’d had fun at the motel. “She doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

“Change her mind.”

“What’s with you?” Mack frowned. “Why do you care about my love life?”

“’Cause you’ve been a big mope lately.”

“A man can take a moment to think, can’t he?”

“He can.” Hoss spat tobacco juice on the ground. “But there’s a time for thinkin’ and a time for doin’.” He nodded to the barn. “This is a time for doin’.”

Doing what? Mack was so dang confused right now he didn’t know which way was up or down. He was pissed at Beth for using him, and even though she’d made it clear she wasn’t interested in extending their one-night stand, the gnawing in his gut insisted he still wanted to be with her.

So where did that leave him?

Between being a fool and an idiot.

True Blue Cowboy

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