Читать книгу Son of Satan - Marion Julius - Страница 1

Chapter 1: End Times Part 1


The darkness came upon earth our world which was once filled by light all goodness was about to destroyed. In some countries people were being chosen to be a part of the devils plan and those people would help the Anti-Christ. In the United States of America a woman by the name of Veronica Ramirez has been chosen by the devil to carry and give birth to the son of Satan. Satan the fallen angel who was thrown out of heaven by god and now the devil was here doing more harm than good destroying souls and causing humans to do the wrong thing in life. Time was running out fast the clock was ticking and things that were yet to come were being told to Veronica Ramirez she carried this heavy burden for a long time. As time went on she felt she had to warn the world that evil was soon to be amongst all human who were here living in this world.

Out there amongst the human beings who walk the earth was the helper to the devil this being who was in human form although was part inhuman. And this being had powers which were given to him by none other than the devil himself. He was now here, and he was now born into our world and once his told to do what he must do great problems will happen for all people of all nations. He was ready to do what the devil had already planned for him it was time to unleash the most dangerous and ruthless beast whose intelligence and power could destroy so easily and bring about suffering to those who would become his enemies.

A very dark period was about to occur on earth a pure evil was about enter the world something sinister and something powerful. Something none of us were truly ready for and for this powerful being was going to change history forever and the world would not be the same. There is going to be extremely hard times for mankind human beings in the world and even if we hide, we will be found there will be no escape from what is coming. For centuries and decades, the book of Revelations has been opened and read by many all around the world. It has been studied and interpreted and translated in many different languages. The bible such biblical prophecy which we all found so intriguing but also scary for the talk of the beasts the dangers will arrive, and humanity might not be any more if things should carry on the way it does. People will pray to their so-called god but might not be saved it is time for the devil to unveil who the identity of this powerful being is. This man who has been chosen by the devil himself designed and given such intelligence, such charm, and such power to control and cause destruction, power to kill and power to do many impossible things. Some will live and some will die the time has come for the last battle and many doomsday preppers have gathered with family, friends and strangers to train and prepare for their only hopes of survival. The end times when we see even more earthly problems for human life everyone will get given a choice and they will have the free will to choose what they want to do. Do they choose good or evil? A choice which can either make them suffer or continue to live a comfortable life.

People of the world get ready for the time is near you will all have to face it people of the world you will be filled with fear and panic. The clock is ticking, and the time is running out are you ready? Have you planned your survival? Are you ready to see dramatic change in the world? You will scream, run, hide, and cry your lives are about to be turned upside down. Predictions which were predicted by some people show to be true biblical scholars and the Vatican all await popes and the rest of the world who have talked about these events so many times through history. On the sixth day of a month at the sixth hour and sixty-six minutes the beast will arrive and take away what was so good and fill it with pure evil.

It was the count down for the end doomsday that final battle Armageddon the fight between good and evil. For so long people had been intrigued by this mystery event interested to know what exactly was going to take place and when this catastrophe was about to occur. Researchers, religious leaders, and people in general who took to the biblical prophecies studied and tried to translate the meanings of the book of revelations for a long time. Trying to figure out who and what where and how? It was unknown and so this doomsday that got people planning and preparing stocking up and training just in case them and their families were attacked and needed to survive. From bunkers to hidden homes to shelves and boxes filled with food and supplies, to guns and weapons being stored to defend and kill when/if necessary. And the time had to awaken the most beautiful being the world has even seen the most powerful man the world will ever know. We have bought the books and google searched all about this prophetic event that was to be taking place in future we have watched the television shows and the movies visualised what this end times would look like. Priests and churches and devoted Christians would pray for people knowing of the bible what was written in the book of revelations. And we have all waited an awfully long time for it and soon it was to come.

Over the years we had all painted this image of how these events would turn out everyone out there had their own ideas as to what and how things would happen it was something, we all talked about but never actually saw anything now we could finally see if we were right or wrong.

Our world where we go about our daily business working and trying to afford things trying to pay our bills and hoping that we will succeed and have plenty so we can all have a good life. We go out with family and friends we shop and do so much travel and have fun but what was yet to come was something so different so beyond all of us so big that everything we had was nothing it did not matter because what was to come was what mattered. All what we use to do living that normal simple and joyous life was about to be changed by a prophecy which was written and turned out to be so true.

Wars about to take place causing further pain and suffering nations against nations people fighting and killing for survival. Prophecy which was all about to be revealed and watch it all unfold. The darkness came upon earth our world which was once filled by light all goodness was about to destroyed. In some countries people were being chosen to be a part of the devils plan and those people would help the Anti-Christ. In the United States of America a woman by the name of Veronica Ramirez has been chosen by the devil to carry and give birth to the son of Satan. Satan the fallen angel who was thrown out of heaven by god and now the devil was here doing more harm than good destroying souls and causing humans to do the wrong thing in life. Time was running out fast the clock was ticking and things that were yet to come were being told to Veronica Ramirez she carried this heavy burden for a long time. As time went on she felt she had to warn the world that evil was soon to be amongst all human who were here living in this world.

Son of Satan

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