Читать книгу The Power of the Siith - Marion Julius - Страница 3

Chapter 3: Galaxy Council Finds New Strength


Mysterious Girl

A new woman has been recruited to join the jhadi council the woman who will now take over and assist to help build the jhadi to fight against all evil who tries to destroy jhadi. “Shes never done this kind of work before I don't know about this.” Polutus said. “Yes, that's true but she is showing potential I feel her heart is warm and her intentions are all good give her a chance.” Noozath replied. “But we dos know that well.” Polutus said. “We need new strength here she is willing to try and we are running out of plan to attack to come back and achieve positive repuls.” Noozath said. “My name is Mari I come from planet earth my home was destroyed by the evil siith. I come to stand by your side in good times and bad, I believe in goodness, love, kindness, compassion and most of all I believe and trust in the Jhadi. The religion that faith that hope those people who choose to stand and defend and protect what they believe in. I come with skills, experience, qualifications, strong and intelligent mind, fit and healthy body and a spiritual being who has been enlightened ready to fight for you to rebuild the jhadi and to strengthen force. I am ready serve you it will be such an honor to represent the Jhadi council with a renewed faith so that we can try and achieve peace within the galaxy. Don't fear Jhadi for I will pick you up when you fall I won't let you fade trust my intuition for I sense and feel evil has been reborn and we need as many people so we can survive. Help us Jacob you are now our only hope...

Captain Jack and his crew went into space onboard his space ship the Dustin Blazer which was a very large ship. His crew was made up of a few people plus three droids they were all on the side of the Jhadi and were on a mission to go save some jhadis who were maybe hiding out or in danger so there was a few people they had to go find. They were on their way to Lokuz when their engine was not working properly and the Dustin Blazer collided with another space ship in space purely an accident. No one was harmed but the Dustin Blazer was damaged and so now it was not flying at its best. “Captain we are going down prepare for a crash landing.” Amora said. “Everyone sit down and prepare for an emergency landing.” Captain Jack said. The Dustin Blazer space ship was going down now very fast and was heading towards the planet Gungoon a planet the jhadi were not familiar with. They entered Gungoon and the Dustin Blazer crashed on the rocks right by the water Gungoon was surrounded by the sea the planet did have the Nylontok tribal people who were very protective over their land and people. Jhadis had never encountered anything like the Nylontok people before they wore tribal clothing and tribal masks. When the jhadis realized they have crashed and now had to quickly get out of the Dustin Blazer it was smokey there was a bit of fire but they managed to put it out. “Oh no look at my space ship.” Captain Jack said. “Relax Captain we will get it fixed.” Amora said. As they went off the space ship they walked on the rocks and went onto the sand they walked for about twenty minutes and could not see anyone just rocks and sea. “Where are we?” Captain Jack. “According to the signal I got on the space ship we are in Gungoon Captain.” Amora replied. Along the edge of the water they splashed some water on them freshening up and looking around to see if there was any sign of civilization. After a while as they sat on the sand thinking of what to do they looked up and saw a group of people. “Who are they?” Captain Jack said. “Captain I do not know.” Amora replied. “They are coming towards us.” Captain Jack said. “Do not pull out your weapons just wait.” Amora replied. The tribal people the Nylontoks were getting closer and closer to the jhadis then they stopped and one man came forward and spoke to the jhadis. “What are you doing on our planet this is the planet of the Nylontok you are trespassing identify yourselves.” Morko said. “Our space ship crashed here we did not mean to come here please we do not want trouble we just need to fix our ship then we will go.” Amora replied. Morko went back to tell his people and then Morko came back to the jhadis. “ Okay we will help you come with us.” Morko said. The Nylontoks took them back to their huts which was further up a hill which meant the jhadis had to walk over hard rocks again their feet were getting sore and they were getting tired. But it was worth it the Nylontoks were very helpful and hospitable providing shelter and food to the jhadis. “Why are you out there in space are you in the war in space with the siith?” Naza asked. “Yes we are jhadis we are needing to go back into space to save our jhadis on other planets they are in danger the siith are starting a new war.” Captain Jack said. “Many of our people know of the siith but we have hid out here for a long time hiding out staying away from all the war in space the siith I hear is very dangerous. “ Morko said. “Yes they are very dangerous that is why us jhadi are trying hard to fight back to save the galaxy.” Amora replied. The Nylontok people the next few days helped the jhadis fix their Dustin Blazer space ship and so they could be on their way so they worked on it giving them spare parts. After that the jhadis thanked them and then flew back out in space to head back to the jhadi council. When the Dustin Blazer with Captain Jack and his crew got back to the Jhadi council building it was being under attack by the siith. “We are being invaded we need to get out of here.” Dinx said. The jhadi council committee were trying hard but there was a huge explosion the building was collapsing they were coughing and trying hard to breathe. The alarms were going off and they had to run and get out of there moving fast through the smokey and dusty smoke and dirt which was being around them with the explosion. The building was collapsing fast and all of them had to make their ways to the exist one of the jhadi committee members Suna was stuck trapped under a table which fell ontop of her it was very heavy Suna was only small. Captain Jack landed with his crew and went running to save what was left of the jhadi council he was hoping that all jhadi had gotten out away from the building collapsing. “Where is Suna.” Dinx said. He was yelling out and screaming for Suna she did eventually hear her name being called out and she began yelling out for help. A few of them got together and helped Suna so they could all get out of the jhadi council building. “Hurry up we do not have much time.” Dinx said. The whole building was now gone all destroyed by the siith the jhadi were crying feeling sad thinking some of their people almost died. This was a warning and a message from the powerful siith to let the jhadi know this was war and there was no stopping them they will never give in to jhadis. The war in space had become worse now with the siith managing to kill jhadis and destroy planets.

The Power of the Siith

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