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This book is dedicated to Jane Toombs who died this March, 2014. Jane introduced me to Romance Writers of America when RWA was in its infancy by sponsoring a romance writers conference with Ruby Frankel in New York state. Thanks to their efforts, Hudson Valley Romance Writers came into being. Jane asked me to be the newsletter editor for the group. There I learned about deadlines, writing articles, interviewing and a host of other skills necessary to becoming a writer. Over the years, she not only critiqued my writing but also offered friendship that led to many delightful trips as roommates to RWA national conferences. Thank you, Jane, for your dedication in helping people learn their craft.


I have wonderful opportunities to take classes at Glendale Community College where I work. David Thibodeaux, my instructor at GCC for The History of Jazz and Rock Music and Culture, instilled in me a passion for all types of music.

Chuck Hulihan taught my acoustic guitar class at GCC. Even though I should have started a hundred years earlier, I learned about the dedication and enthusiasm required to play well. So much of Marley’s love for playing the guitar comes from those lessons.

Hank Glogosh, who helped with his knowledge of Pennsylvania.

Sheryl Zajechowski, the acquisition editor for Brilliance Audio, answered all my questions about narrating books, Brant’s profession.

To Shelley Mosley and Sandra Lagesse—my best friends, mentors and critique partners—a heartfelt thank-you.

Additional thanks to Mills & Boon and its editors whom I’ve been fortunate to meet or work with over the internet, especially Paula Eykelhof, Victoria Curran, Kathryn Lye and Beverley Sotolov. I really appreciate all your help and encouragement.

Love to my daughter and granddaughters for their support. And special thanks to my son, David, who answered so many of the questions I had about acting. His experiences in the theater in college and after were very helpful.

An Act of Love

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