Читать книгу Waves of Temptation - Marion Lennox, Marion Lennox - Страница 3


Dear Reader

Last year I attended a writing retreat on Australia’s famous Gold Coast. The world surfing championships were taking place five miles down the beach. Then the weather turned wild, so the championships were relocated—right into our sheltered bay, right under our hotel! You can imagine how our retreat ended. We hung out of the windows and watched gorgeous surfers from all over the world, ‘hanging ten’ just beneath us.

But I was there to write … Virtuously I took my laptop out onto the balcony and searched for inspiration. Strangely, it wasn’t very far away.

I had fun on the Gold Coast, and I had fun writing this book. WAVES OF TEMPTATION lets me share that glorious surfing world, the inevitable medical needs of such an event, and the drama and passion that must inevitably lie beneath.

This is also my 100th romance novel. Writing for Mills & Boon® has been a wonderful journey. A huge thank you to all who’ve helped me along the way. And thank you to my writing friends and to my family.

Thank you, too, my readers, for sharing my passion.

Marion Lennox

Waves of Temptation

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