Читать книгу Keeping Christmas - Marisa Carroll - Страница 3


“Tell me who you are, Katie.”

The request was compelling. She shook her head, fighting back tears.

“You can trust me,” Jacob said gruffly. “Let me help.”

“I can’t,” she whispered. “I’ve put my son in jeopardy by staying as long as I have. I’ve tricked myself into thinking we were safe these past weeks. It was a mistake. I can’t make it worse by telling you everything about us. If I do let you know who I am—let you help—I won’t be able to leave.”

“You don’t have to leave. Not now. Not ever.” His hands tightened on her shoulders. “We’ll fight this thing together.”

“No.” She lifted her fingers to his lips to stop his words. “Kyle and I have to leave. Soon.”

“Then all I can ask is this. Stay with us...until Christmas.”

“I will,” she said against her better judgment, because she wanted so desperately to do as he asked. “If I can.”

Keeping Christmas

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