Читать книгу Paternity Lessons - Maris Soule - Страница 8


Dear Reader,

I’ve always loved horses, and my daughter, Mia, inherited that love. We bought Mia her first horse when she was eleven, a half-Arab who’s taught us a lot and still lives with us. We read the horse magazines, made mistakes, slowly learned and our “stable” increased to three horses. My husband and I were the grooms and financial supporters, our daughter the rider and trainer. It was a family affair.

Writing this book allowed me to remember those times—my panic when Mia was thrown off and got a concussion, and my pride when she and a half-Arab she’d trained placed Top Ten in the Arab Nationals. In Paternity Lessons, a traumatized Mustang brings a father and his daughter together with a horse trainer—a horse whisperer—and in the process, all three learn the meaning of family.


Paternity Lessons

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