Читать книгу Скорбь сатаны / The sorrows of Satan. Уровень 4 - Мария Корелли - Страница 10

Marie Corelli
The Sorrows of Satan


It was a fine frosty evening. At about eleven o’clock, we went to the private gambling club to which my companion had volunteered to introduce me as a guest. It was situated at the end of a mysterious little back street, and was an unpretentious looking house enough outside. But within, it was sumptuously though tastelessly furnished. A woman with painted eyes and dyed hair received us. Her looks and manner proclaimed her as one of those ‘pure’ ladies with a ‘past’ who are represented as such martyrs to the vices of men. Lucio said something to her apart, – whereupon she glanced at me deferentially and smiled. Then rang the bell. A discreet man-servant in sober black made his appearance. We trod on a carpet of the softest felt. I noticed that everything was rendered as noiseless as possible in this establishment.

On the upper landing, the servant knocked very cautiously at a side-door. A key turned in the lock, and we were admitted into a long double room, very brilliantly lit with lamps. It was crowded with men playing at rouge et noir and baccarat[20]. Some looked up as Lucio entered and nodded smilingly, others glanced inquisitively at me, but our entrance was otherwise scarcely noticed.

Lucio drew me along by the arm, sat down to watch the play. I followed his example. I recognized the faces of many well-known public men, men eminent in politics and society. But I betrayed no sign of surprise, and quietly observed the games and the gamesters. I was prepared to play and to lose. But I was not prepared however for the strange scene which soon occurred.


rouge et noir and baccarat – красное и чёрное и баккара (названия игр)

Скорбь сатаны / The sorrows of Satan. Уровень 4

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