Читать книгу Life Under Glass - Марк Нельсон - Страница 10


“We invented Biosphere 2 not only for science, but also for beauty, adventure, and hope for all humanity – and for the Earth’s biosphere itself. To teach human beings to see Biosphere 1 in a new way, this is the ultimate vision behind Biosphere 2. We have the ability to be a creative, cooperative agent with evolution. This is what I call victory.”

John P. Allen, Co-founder and Inventor of Biosphere 2 Research and Development, Space Biospheres Ventures (1984-1994)

“Space Biospheres Ventures represents a new approach to doing business. We are a private ecological research firm which has created one of the boldest research and development facilities of this century. We are also a profit-making venture. Biosphere 2 ushers forth technological development that is marketable and beneficial to the Earth. It responds to the current environmental crises by searching for real solutions, and stands as a vision of hope so that we as a species can move forward and leave our destructive ways behind us.”

Margaret Augustine, Co-architect and former CEO, Space Biospheres Ventures (1984-1994)

“Biosphere 2 is the child of our Earth’s biosphere, grown from the same flesh and genetic material, and born of the perspective gained with Apollo’s distant images of the Earth. As with the Apollo images, Biosphere 2 allows us to see in one succinct view, a complete integrated system of life.”

Edward P. Bass, Co-founder of Biosphere 2, Founding Trustee of the Philecology Trust

Life Under Glass

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