Читать книгу No Gathering In of this Incense - Mark Rhoads - Страница 12

Lady Slipper


Crossing State Hwy 20 that follows

the spring flow of the Pend Oreille

we hike an old logging road

past the rotting log cabin and up the hill

take in the damp May woods

I had often explored

I wanted to show my mother

a lady slipper

I had stumbled upon

the day before blooming

under a stand of young fir

bearing right where the road splits

and walking maybe another 25 yards

we veer off under the gray-green canopy

shift between the trunks

to stand over a single pink flower

framed by a single ovate leaf

persevering in a molding mat of rusty duff

my mother kneels

I kneel beside her

No Gathering In of this Incense

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