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Answers to Chapter 3 Quiz


1 0. Ten-thousands place: 34,921,706,488?

2 3. Hundred-thousands place: 987,654,321,000?

3 1. Millions place: 7,261,945,803?

4 875,900.

5 876,000.

6 800,000.

7 1,000,000. Add a leading 0 to the beginning of the number, in the millions place.

8 555,560.

9 1,880.. What is the sum if you don’t round? It’s 1,877!

10 1,900.

11 290.. The answer before rounding? It’s 291!

12 193,000,000.. The answer before rounding is 192,821,521.

Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)

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