Читать книгу The Amish Widow's Heart - Marta Perry - Страница 9


Dear Reader,

Welcome back to Lost Creek, where we’ll meet three cousins who are devoted to each other and stand by one another whatever befalls them. With faith and love, Beth, Lydia and Miriam face the future with courage, always holding their family ties close even as they search for a love that will last a lifetime.

I hope that you’ll enjoy my story and come back again for another visit to the Amish community of Lost Creek. Please let me know how you feel about this new book. You can reach me at marta@martaperry.com, at www.martaperry.com and at www.Facebook.com/martaperrybooks.

If you send me your mailing address, I’ll be happy to send you a Marta Perry bookmark and my brochure of Pennsylvania Dutch recipes.


Marta Perry

The Amish Widow's Heart

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